
The man is mourning a terrible loss. This is how he is dealing with his grief and reconciling that loss with his belief system. Best not to judge.

It speaks well of Davey Blackburn’s character that he has taken a peaceful route in the wake of his wife’s death. I don’t know that many of us that could be so gracious in light of such a tragedy to our families.

Well this is just a banner start to Monday. For fuck’s sake. The rape and murder are goddamn horrible, AND she was pregnant, AND now we’re adding more racial bullshit on top?

Each troop determines its own activities focus, so no, it isn’t hard at all. All they need is one parent to start a new troop.

Why can’t they simply change what the Girl Scouts do? Like if they see a fun activity that the boys are doing, why can’t their troop do it as well? The boys camp? Well, organize a camping trip for the girls. The boys hike? Let the girls do a hiking trip as well. I don’t see why they would have to join the Boy Scouts.

Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

Can we please not make “comparing things that are not blackface to blackface” a thing? I generally support the sentiment of this boycott but that’s just offensive. Don’t try to prop up your own arguments by using shock tactics, it’s like the people that compare everything to hitler. It’s lazy(like the writing in this

hiring a cis actor to play a non-binary individual