
Hey, I clicked on this story, but I can't help but wonder how far these tab covers will have to go to continue to grab with shock, sadness, rudeness, vulgarity, mockery, and misery. DUMPED ALREADY! JEN'S HEARTBREAK! and WORST BEACH BODIES! Will soon be INSIDES OF PENISES! VOMIT IN THE WATER! and TITTY RAPE-RAPE!

I hope someone was in the bathroom while he ran through.

I think that the LCE should allow you to program Clarkson's voice to coo things like "...until NOW." ; "...and then, something extraordinary happens." and "... but you'd be WRONG." when the mood suits you.

That's too much for a van that's useless for kidnapping.

Never mind.

Seems that these two speed machines...

This Is England. Clever and ignorant in the same sorry stroke.

I stoicly pour a can of no-name beer all over the floor of that shitball idea.

The 300' limo from Aphex Twin's "Windowlicker."

Newbury. Two blindside puss pushes.

Department Of Redundancy Department.


@KeyserSöze: My old man's got an '87 GTS4 with 340 K and more rattles, squeaks, and strange ways than I can get into here, but can still jump forward like nobody's bizness and will do 3 hours at 155 km/h like it's relaxing in the bath.


I imagine the text he was composing at the time was eventually deleted.

I call borscsht on this analysis.

