
Paging Dr. Beeper!

It really doesn't matter who The Stig is when he's not thundering 'round Hammerhead. Was Greedo any less vile and sinister when it was revealed that it was Gene Wilder inside all that rubber?

Am I the only one who connected the guitar - rhythm digital pulses with the opening soundtrack of The Cannonball Run?

"Couldn't have been easy to find..."?

This is 200% perfect, 150% squeal-inducing and 100% up my street.

"The future. Always ...MOVING AWAY from us... as we remain stuck HERE... in the present.

Letting it sit as a sculpture. That's what 1/18th scale models are for.

Maybe "driver error" is their evasive way of saying "buyer error".

It's a start.

I've spent 9 years running across Bloor St, Toronto, 4+ times a day where I work... I swear it's how I'll go. Not rad at all.

She seems down-to-earth.

What Sheffield kids will do to get an ASBO...

Doesn't matter - the owner will now have "The Orange One: The Fastest One" to the rest of the world.

Thankfully videographers, when faced with the puzzle of what to say so as to keep filming without judgement or confrontation and not make whatever crash / fight /fall / vomit-based incident and it's players deviate from their natural course, can still rely on the tried and true chestnut "That was f-'d UP!"

@LTDScott: "You got The Snowman, go 'head, Nurburger!"

N'auto Pilot.

How does HE know where the cyclist is going?

He was obviously going for the "shield" icon that's hidden in the small hanger next to the jump that gets you onto the roof of the maintenance building. Hard to find when the heat's on.

Anything involving the phrase "A to B".

Again, I'll hand it over to Johnny Knoxville: