Prepare to see these things clogging Hwy 99 to Whistler in 1 year. With Thule box.
Prepare to see these things clogging Hwy 99 to Whistler in 1 year. With Thule box.
Corroco? Scirrolvo?
Jay would be OK. I hate The Tonight Show. But he can back it up and might step it up stylistically once clear ot TTS.
So I can get a Carerra 4S 'vert that exhibits my fondness for meatball sandwiches?
Calgary to Winnipeg, mid-february. I was moving from Vancouver to Toronto (I know...) and this leg was the most grim. My '89 YJ thankfully had a hard top but still had a mind-numbing whistle from the door frame. The heater had 2 settings: WHITE HOT and OFF. Casette player worked about 20 perscent of the time. It would…
I'll bet the smell and noise at the "rim" are really great.
You wanna hear lame? My Dad refers to his '87 928 as "The Porkchop." I've been unable to correct this. But I get to mat the thing occasionally so he can call it whatever he pleases.
You wanna hear lame? My Dad refers to his '87 928 S4 as "The Porkchop". I've been unable to correct this. However, as long as I still have that machine in my midst to occasionally, gently hoon, he can call it "Fraulein Von Daisybottoms" if he likes.
Finally what one can call a burnout.
Chevy Malibu with alien in the trunk.
Neck TIE.
Bowler Wildcat. Apple basklet full of grenades. Clear Oakley Frogskins with Purple Iridium lens. Piano-key neckie.
Thankfully, there was no score in this clip. The only acceptable option would be "Lookin Out My Back Door" in the SC, buffered by the wind. Nothing playing in the 308.
So I guess they hang backwards glowing price-tag signs in the Ukranian '50s.
Probably "Bruce Willis' character is dead all along."
...and you just know that there will be those douchebags who will leave it in "Sport Mode" ALL the time.