I’ve never understood her appeal... I’ll be lucky to still be alive at 65, never mind be able to move like this, but I still found it incredibly cringe-worthy:
I’ve never understood her appeal... I’ll be lucky to still be alive at 65, never mind be able to move like this, but I still found it incredibly cringe-worthy:
Everyone. Except Drake.
We can only be so lucky. Worst game show I’ve seen in awhile.
#mra, #rapeapologist, #asshole
Blame it on the vodka
Blame it on the Henny
Blame it on the blue top
Got you feeling dizzy
Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol
Blame it on the a a a a a a alcohol
I guess there really is no accounting for taste... I don’t hear Shania or country-esque REMOTELY. Give “My Song 5" a whirl.
I am a fan, but I think even objectively, they are INSANELY talented. They each sing, play multiple instruments, and are crazy charismatic.
YAS! The only dude hotter is his brother. What a gene pool!!!
Because genetics.
I am a fan. It seemed that he was one of the few advocating for women in an industry fraught with sexual harassment and discrimination. He skewered Batali for his behavior. His girlfriend was raped by Weinstein and he rallied around her call-out at Cannes. Celeb deaths rarely faze me, but this one hurts.
I am with you. It’s excruciating at times, feels unbearable and impossible. The self-medicating with booze is a nasty cycle... leads to more anxiety and depression. It has also made me fat and lazy so there’s another thing to be depressed about. I saw a photo of myself the other day and I’m still reeling from it...
Ha, if you think Chris Noth is small, the only thing Mikhail Baryshnikov can “f-ing get” is a pocket person.
That’s what mine did. Then they held back his diploma.
“Forgiveness” is super hot right now. I’ve noticed it forced upon people a lot lately... “if you would just be the bigger person, forgive, and stop being so damn angry... it will set you free.”
Yup, she is DONE.
Your book club questions are pure genius.
Thank you for this.
KP seems particularly unhinged lately. This was so embarrassing and cringe-worthy, https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrJzAkvFQNbGgIAiroPxQt.?p=katy+perry+american+idol+crush&fr=yhs-pty-pty_converter&fr2=piv-web&hspart=pty&hsimp=yhs-pty_converter&type=adnor#action=view&id=2&vid=d58f0903c69d75f1a55b7da6f9dd…
Maybelline Full ‘N Soft wins the Pepsi Challenge every.damn.time. $8!
Maybelline Full ‘N Soft wins the Pepsi Challenge every.damn.time. $8!
I just, don’t understand. NDAs should never cover illegal activity.