

Why don’t you just stop with the comparisons to Deutschland all together? It’s the 21st Century. You elected this moron. You. Not us. We’ve been busy running Bavaria on solar power, having the most efficient and widespread non-petrol dependent mass transit system on the planet, and welcoming 950,000 Flüchtlinge since

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Cheeto?

I think I’m going to go an eat some bacon wrapped chicken that I made last night. Chicken, bacon... fried together in perfect harmony.

My assumption is that they had an understanding when they got married. Being FLOTUS was not part of that understanding.

I bet her prenup has an iron clad NDA

Sometimes people are treated in a way or raised in a way that can never allow them to develop a sense of personal agency or eventually strips them of it. I grew up around 1% bikers and the way some (many) of the women are treated eventually creates what is almost a form of Stockholm syndrome where they are only truly

My theory is that she begged, pleaded and BEGGED him not to run for President, and he ignored her because, well she’s just his fucktoy and broodmare, right? And now she is PISSED.

I actually don’t think she thinks she has any agency. A friend is going through a very difficult divorce with psychological and financial abuse. It took a while before she could see the path in front of her to get out. And he is still able to throw roadblocks up because he can. If Melania arrived her with a

He’s 70 years old. Considering that certain disorders are linked to the father’s age (autism being one of them), I wouldn’t risk having another child with him, especially if Barron is autistic.

Having been married to a narcissist, I can’t help but feel bad for her. He was probably incredible to her at the beginning, she probably fell madly in love with that false persona, and he probably had her sign papers that will financially destroy her if she leaves.

I made some drunken rant before about how I can’t really hate her.

I feel like people did worse to get out of formerly communist countries.

I don’t really care one way or the other. I don’t think the next four years are going to be remembered for their outstanding First Lady.

She didn’t sign up to be first lady. I’d rather have her as acting first lady than one of his daughters.

The bias people have toward believing attractive people are some how “good” is annoying.

He pays her to be near him.

Yeah, I have absolutely no sympathy. You married a horrible trash monster rapist because he’s rich? Have fun watching him slaver over his own daughter and getting pawed at by those tiny, tiny hands.

There’s more sparkle between the Carters than between those two.
