
To add further injury in this god awful year, the loving liberal UCC Church I have attended all my life has been infiltrated by the Christian right who this year forced a vote to drop the UCC because their “views” were not “biblical centered”. (translation: UCC is. pro choice, pro equality) I’ve always loved the

These are the same people who scream and then turn around say something contradictory.

- “we must protect Israel”, “jews, they control everything”.
- “government must ban gay marriage’, “government needs to stay out of marriage”

Judging by the way the Conservatives in my office have talked about the new DNC chair race, Keith Ellison will be their next choice for “Antichrist”

Also on the abuse angle, I saw a good comment about how the “this is why Trump won” comment directed at those calling out racism or protesting Trump mirrors the “you make me do this” attitude common in abusive relationships.

It doesn’t matter what you think of his religion - it matters what the Commander in Chief, with access to nuclear weapons, thinks of yours.

I grew up in a southern baptist church and every year at Christmas, the language used was Christmas was about celebrating the arrival of “a new King” as well as the titles you reference. I believe this was because, IIRC, Jesus was the new king and the old king being King David (from Old Testament).

Hah! Agreed. It’s just that fear and dread has brought some communities closer than others. And the American Jewish community has been unequivocal and unapologetic in its opposition to Islamophobia.

Master gaslighters, they are.

Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King

I want to know where all of the Republicans are who were crying havoc about Obama’s supposed monarchy/authoritarian dictatorship.

I thought I was done with my jaw hitting the floor; I thought even 2016 couldn’t bring on anything that would genuinely shock me. I WAS WRONG.

I wonder if the animatronic fuckwits at Fox And Friends are going to track how often Trump goes to church like they did President Obama. Probably not.

Happy Hanukkah everyone!

Clearly if Obama was the Antichrist, then of course whoever got elected next who was white and Republican would be heralded as Christ Reborn.

Donald Trump is the Antichrist. No doubt about it.

When the RNC spokesperson responded by saying that he was offended, this is a classic personality trait common in domestic abuse situations. The person in the wrong flips the script to blame the accuser, avoiding blame themself. This is indicative of a person who is narcissistic, who believes they are inherently

And you still didn’t get it. Jesus wept.

Nope they refer to him as the Newborn King, Prince of Peace, Immanuel, the Savior, king of kings, Lamb of God, The Good Shepherd, Alpha and Omega etc. Elvis is referred to as The King

Jesus wept.