
David Greene on NPR abruptly ended an interview with Palladio after he said that a new president would “clean the raccoons out of the White House.”

It’s not that these pieces of human garbage were waiting around for the okay to say n***** freely, it’s that they were waiting around for a pat on the back and a thumbs up after saying it. Now they’ve got it.

MUFON field investigator here (hi!) Just wanted to briefly address one aspect of UFO skepticism I’m seeing here, (and I’m not a hardcore believer, I genuinely don’t know what people are seeing, thats why I love this shit) But one of the more modern theories about what these things are, loosely and broadly, is that

He’s been saying this level of shit for years, he never faces any consequence because western ny loves a loudmouth racist

Why do you insult rectums?

I am beyond terrified. This guy is on Trump’s team and blaitently hateful not to mention racist and sexist. This guy will probably be invited to the Trump White House which will endorse these types of statements by simply inviting him and not saying this is not acceptable. We are heading into dangerous territory and

I have seen and heard these kinds of comments for the past eight years from friends of friends. These same “real ‘murricans” want us to all come together and give their serial sexual-predator, conflict-of-interest-ridden, tax-evading, war-mongering, etc., etc., etc., cheeto-elect a chance. No. Fuck ‘em.

Beyond whatever Trump manages to do in office, emboldening racists will be the lasting stain he leaves on our society.

Why does almost no one, especially national reporters, mention the fact that Paladino was the GOP nominee for the highest office in NYS just 6 years ago? And, much like Trump, he won his nomination not despite his overt racism, but largely because of it. Republicans in New York liked him so much that they were willing

And he will face absolutely no consequences as a result.


Godwin had a good run. It came from a simpler time. Fare thee well.

And now we’re allowed to say “Merry Christmas.” FINALLY. All those years of being forced to wish everyone a “Happy Holiday” really ground me down. Now that all that’s behind us, I can’t wait until Inauguration Day when I can use the n-word in peace.

He’s really pulling out all the usual hackneyed bullshit in his response:

Isn’t this the guy who was in hot water a couple years ago because he was forwarding people bestiality?

And he sits on the City of Buffalo’s school board...where he very nearly lost his seat earlier this year to an 18-year-old. There is nothing right, admirable, or worthwhile about this excuse for a human being, and I’m pleased as all hell to see these words coming out and being attributed to him (and him so vehemently

Trump’s team has long since entered Julius Streicher territory (no apologies to the Godwin police, so don’t even try). Between this guy and Steve Bannon and the neo Nazi boys at Breitbart, it’s feelin’ like a White Christmas, all right, God help the poor old country.

What an asshole.

...and this is representative of the Trump voters I am urged to understand. Nice. I’m so glad some people can stop feeling so pressured to be “politically correct” all the time.