
They are so afraid of experiencing any smidgen of the misery that they inflict on others. You watch them deny that racism and sexism is still even a thing in our society, and then shriek their asses off when they feel like they are being “discriminated against” for being white men.

Any of my fellow North Carolinians who need help not totally despairing over our politics right now need to follow State Senator Jeff Jackson if you’re not already. The man is a goddamn hero in this current bullshittery.

It’s the white male thing. It’s been going on for centuries now. Just imagine what the conversation was when they decided to kidnap millions of people, drag them across the Atlantic and enslave them. It was because they had the “divine right” to do whatever the fuck they wanted. The only thing that gives them pause is

“The entire General Assembly will be up for reelection in 2017 in newly drawn districts, after a judge ruled that the current maps drawn by the legislature were illegally gerrymandered.” - Politico

I hate the NC GOP like I hate the Nazis.

Has anybody actually read this bill? Or have a link to the legislation itself? No story I can find actually links to it.

The left has not risen since the 60's. We need to re-start weather underground. We need weathermen. I’m down to start right now.

Whiny babies, the republicans are basically whiny babies, and they are getting their way like most whiny babies. I swear politics is the toddler playground on a global scale!

I challenge anyone that identifies themselves as conservative or Republican to name one piece of legislature that this collection of scumbags that has passed that has been to the benefit of anyone that is nor rich, white and male. Also kudos to the citizens and grassroots activists of North Carolina for standing up

As I recall, the last time Southern States weakened the power of the executive branch and let the legislatures run wild, some bad stuff happened.

The party of white nationalists wants to act like African dictators?

I’m Canadian, and growing up, North Carolina was America to me, because that’s where my grandparents lived and we would always go there. So many of my favourite memories are from Kakalaka... the mall in Raleigh (got my Carolina blue Jordan II’s there), Carowyn’s amusement park, the science museum in Charlotte, my

GOP logic: Can’t win legitimately, then cheat. Can’t win despite cheating, shit on the winner’s desk and demand they work around it.

North Carolinian here. I put a curse on that smarmy bastard McCrory. Boils were supposed to appear on his forehead spelling out “rotten loser”. I guess I’ll have to try again.😟

It’s completely accurate to call this a coup, because that’s basically what it is. The legislature has voted itself far more powers using a supermajority they created via illegal gerrymandering, stripping powers from the governor the minute they lost the post. Including stripping some powers they explicitly gave the

Just wait until Trump is on his way out.

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

I’m sensing a trend of Republican abuse of power. But I guess it has nothing on that time Obama came for all the guns.

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

Don’t ask me how I know this, but those “fists” actually weigh quite a bit. Excellent choice!