Michelle could win this election in a landslide
Michelle could win this election in a landslide
Whatever her rhetorical and policy shortcomings, Hillary’s always been conspicuously decent in person. There hasn’t been a Republican candidate since Dole (at least; I’m not up on all his dirt) who hasn’t been a narcissist and a bully, but — weirdly — Democrats seem to manage it regularly.
Great point, and I’ll have to check that program out.
The same Reagan who was for gun control, raised taxes multiple times, and gave amnesty to illegal immigrants? I never hear much about that side of him when people are singing his praises.
Oddly enough PBS Nova’s first episode of this season was 15 Years of Terror. In the episode, they outline how terror groups manipulate and drive people’s fears and anxieties in order to recruit them.
He just schooled us all how to respond to someone who we disagree with. It’s exactly how a leader should act. I want to cry thinking how much more he could have done if only the GOP wasn’t so shitty to him this whole time.
Exactly. Trump isn’t actually the problem here- these people were pumped up and primed with an alternate version of reality through years and years of reckless rage and hate inducing propaganda from the GOP, talk-radio, FOX, and the alt-right internet. Trump just walked in an seized control of the mob. The Russians…
This headline seems to assume that Trump isn’t a lying piece of shit incapable of being truthful about anything, when in fact he is.
Part of what makes him such a great communicator is how deftly he code switches. Even in a press conference when he flips from speaking very passively and methodically about a policy to being really personable and direct and informal just interacting with the people asking the questions. He knows that the tone you use…
Reality is well known to have a heavy liberal bias.
The more ‘shocking’ part is the Enquirer paying to bury it, which can techinically be construed as illegal.
Innuendo and propinquity
I bet the protester’s head exploded when he was able to unironically say, “Thanks Obama!”
Donald Trump lives in a world where that thing on his head is hair, where marital rape is a legal impossibility, and where it’s okay to grab women “by the pussy”. So who fucking knows?
With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.
it is far too early for this shit
Conservatism: Pushing back against objective reality since St Ronald of Reagan descended from capitalist heaven in the year of our lord, nineteen hundred and eighty.
His new self help book can best be summed up as “suck it up princess, the universe doesn’t owe you shit and positive thinking won’t change dick”.
I’ve written this comment on another article about him before but here goes:
Fuck you, fuckface.