
Ha. Watch the very same people do backflips to protect Uncle JimBob from allegations of molesting his niece and then telling girls who press charges against their high school athlete rapists that they are ruining someone’s you cashy money.


Holy shit. What evil motherfuckers. That poor kid :(

Is it too much to ask that we don’t have foreigners doing the raping Americans should be doing?

Maybe if his name was ‘al-Hasteri’

I heard that the whole thing was set up by Black Lives Matter protesters as a way to discredit Donald Trump!

Uh, and is there the same amount of outrage over an “actual” rape of a mentally disabled boy by members of a high school football team?

Why don’t they just circulate the real story of Dennis Hastert raping boys right here at home?

Because I have no interest in amending the second amendment. People in this country clearly prefer to own guns. That’s ok. I’m capable of seeing reality and acknowledging that I’m in the minority on a particular issue. All I want to see, in the end, are reasonable restrictions on that right that protect the immediate

Sanctity. That fucking word.

Exactly. And the First Amendment says “Congress shall make NO law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble...” Yet, there are plenty of laws that do restrict all of these rights. So, an amendment that says NO LAW can be made has been found to mean plenty of

I was thinking about this very thing today. You have to treasure the sanctity of human life when it comes to abortions, but not guns.

You know, looking at these pictures and thinking about the typical shooter profile - maybe we ought to be banning 20-something men until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Some numbers to help you make this argument: 96% of the population and 89% of NRA members are in favor of universal background checks and closing the gun show and Charleston loopholes.

The 2nd amendment hasn’t killed anyone, but there’s CERTAINLY a ton of blood on Rick Scott’s hands.


That’s the pivotal insanity of this- beyond, you know, psychos blowing everybody’s brains out whenever they feel like it. The fucking amendment doesn’t even say what people say it does!

Not to mention that if they take up arms against their own government they are probably very fucked because the government has weapons the average person couldn’t even dream of owning. And, of course, if you take up weapons against the government and lose (likely) it doesn’t matter whether or not you were in the right

I mean, the idea that we should read away the prefatory clause is ridiculous.

Please marry me, this is EXACTLY EVERYTHING.