
His comment is true regardless of weight, and Nate was 15 lbs outside of his own weight class as well with almost no training camp. You’re the one being an idiot.

25 lbs out of his weight class.... the weight class he had to go through horrendous weight cuts to get down to, and had been dying to get out of? You mean that one? The one that made him look like a ghoul during weigh-ins?

Who better to tell you about today’s high?

Hey, when your team has a year like KC had last year, you don’t change anything.

I want to star this, but it’s currently at “69"...

But when you get a vasectomy, it’s not immediately effective. In fact, my doctor told me it would 60 to 75 ejaculations before I was cleared of sperm. I did a quick calculation on the frequency my wife and I had sex and realized I was going to be fertile for 5 or six years.

Sounds like some lucky guy is teaching Cromartie a lesson on how to properly execute the bump-and-run.

Looks like he should have gone with the cover, too.

Apparently, Plan B was to have Terricka use a diaphragm, but there was a conspiracy among Antonio’s teammates to Buster Skrine.

...but Antonio stood firm

Man, dude just can’t stop leading with the crown of his helemet, huh?

“I’d hit that.”

An 80-year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling. “I’ve never been better!” he boasted. “I’ve got an eighteen year old bride who’s pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?”

Guy really knows how to jam the receiver.

So much for having a shut-down vas deferens.

I live in Chicago, the city where the mayor told the leads of the black community if riots took place (riots compared to protests) there would be consequences for those communities. Where are the consequences for these people? I appreciate the word art (I enjoyed “dorks in their best Sunday camo”), but they are armed

But these events don’t exist in a vacuum. This type of action and the way the FBI chooses to respond to it is going to affect how people think and act. This could inspire and justify more seizures of property in the minds of extremists in this country. Shrugging it off is to miss the big-picture implications.

This is an armed occupation of a government building! Please tell me in what way this would NOT be considered terrorism when done on American soil. I get it, I might have a skewed opinion being a PoC in America...but why are the kid gloves on when whites do terrible things but non-white get called everything under the

Please don’t try and downplay what these terrorist are doing.