It is not the job of actors to ensure that a prop gun that is supposed to be loaded with blanks isn’t loaded with live rounds.
It is not the job of actors to ensure that a prop gun that is supposed to be loaded with blanks isn’t loaded with live rounds.
Not a fan of Baldwin (the man, that is; plenty of good performances) but...good. The suggestion that he was responsible for not doing someone else’s job was ludicrous from the beginning.
Yeah, it almost felt vindictive and personal. I didn’t think his actions rose to the level of criminality though I can see him being held accountable civilly.
No one at Restaurant Depot gives a flying fuck about anybody else there.
Its colloquial use is less formal, meaning an unexpected little something extra. A bonus.
The chef’s kiss of culinary vocabulary.
Ah interesting, I’d heard of jerky (here in Ireland they sell beef jerky with pictures of cowboys on it in Lidl at the checkouts beside the chewing gum lol) but had no clue where the word came from. Thanks!
Quechua is an indigenous language widely spoken in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and northern Argentina. “Jerky” — in the dried meat sense — also comes from Quechua “ch’arqui” and took more or less the same path.
The word “lagniappe” should be more widely used than it is
That’s the biggest head-scratcher for me. Leaving aside his rancid bigotry, who today is thinking, “You know who crowds lose their shit for? The 9th guy on the call-sheet of Adam Sandler’s latest Netflix joint.”
Frankly, I would’ve thought being Rob Schneider would be enough to legally keep him from ever going within 500 ft of an audience again.
“Phew, close one... anyway, I pulled some strings, and I got us a replacement on short notice. Do you guys remember that show Roseanne?”
You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.
That’s where Catholicism shines -- they have confession. Assuming you truly repent during confession, you can do whatever you want before it.
I’m not a scholar but right after this began Sakoku, and only Europeans allowed were the Dutch and I think the removal of Catholics from the land as deemed dangerous as a good movie to see is Silent, but not many people where allowed to come or leave and most trade was with China, Korea and the Dutch and only for…
I stopped myself from reading up on the actual history Shogun was based on... until the end of the series. I thought it was over, so I took a deep, deep dive into reading about all the character’s real-life counterparts, and the whole Tokugawa period. Now I wish I hadn’t!
FX Shogun is uniquely situated to pull off more seasons. The “source material” is real life historic events and people and there’s much more to tell about Ieyasu Tokugawa and William Adams’ lives and early Edo Japan successfully resisting colonization. The first series made homage to James Clavell’s inventions, mainly…