
Yay!!! I'm so there !

@Ash (Not From Pallet Town): Well he does come from Skins the same tv show that Dev Patel comes from. Which goes both ways...

@ltwass: I think it's more along the lines of a concept car only with clothes.

I love this show.

I always had an interest in Series Bibles.

Is this just me that I don't notice the 3D at all ?

@Snake56: I would like that show to be scrubbed from memory.

@DRaGZ: I think thats the under-suit.

@DRaGZ: Lighting. The lights that they use for production are extremely bright.

@visceralpsyche: Holy crap thats awesome. ( That you work with the red)

Best parents ever.

I love the fact that they are shooing in SF for the pilot.

Whats that song playing in the first scene.

@dandank: I think they are going for that.