
So, at Wonder-con I looked and looked ( I missed a panel about filmmaking ,nuts ) for The Losers vol.3 and I couldn't find it. ( yes I couldn't find a comic book at a comic book convention.

@BetteD: Oh cool! There is a book theme this month mines up already.

@Hexapus: yeah I know. It's soo hard to get a date when your a geek.

My dorm is my moon base/spaceship....

@Hexapus: I think I'm kind that guy. but I usually don't flirt back. ( I don't know how...)

@take it as red: I really need to try that at Wonder Con this weekend...

@najmah: Ya, I'm still not use to it....

@sarasasa: and welcome to the magic.

@najmah: Ya, I never was told that sexy until last week.

I just watched Moon and I'm alone in my dorm......

@sarasasa: Yah, I need to be like that . Well, I'm kinda like that anyways. Cept I don't get to go on dates/make outs.

@Alohamaid: Uh, what does that mean...

@maharani: ah ok. I might have seen that...

Random Question: Are geeky/nerdy men harder to flirt with?