
That is me exactly. LOL

Cool. Thanks

I hear ya. I have done all that. I am trying to figure out the best might and def buff. I have dragon armor set from Diablos and I have the highest lightning and a charm to boost it.

XBX, thanks though!

Sounds like the movie sticks pretty close to the book, from what you described.

The instant I can open the menu after landing I launch the flare.

I use the sword shield and am stuck at HR 13. Still have not bested Nirgigante.

Can’t wait to see all the stories about teacher improperly storing or leaving firearm unattended.

Uhm, you better get looking then. All of those little offices have tiny social system and they all talk about all the patients all day.

This sounds like the kind of advice people give to folks when it all depends on how ones family and child work.

How do they not see that any import tariff in today’s world is just extracting more money from the citizens. Any industry impacted by the tariff just passes the “savings” onto us.

Oh, I don’t have one of those devices, just commenting on the picture. Buying an adapter for the crappy selfie stick just adds insult to injury.

Why don’t they make those phone holders with right angle jacks to reduce the stress on the wiring?


We have worked so hard to get to a single-use/disposable society that these bike services are seen as just that by so many.

Are you talking about the 19 disabled vehicles that stop in the road?

Maybe because it is illegal to obstruct the flow of traffic on public roads or something?

I used to be able to say “Ok Google. Mute microphone” and it would tell me it did it and that I would have to press the button to turn it back on. Now, when I say that, it tells me that it can only be muted by pressing the button.

The paper claims a virial mass of Andromeda at 0.8 x 1012, which is at the very low end of the range predicted by previous estimates, and a virial radius at 782,775 light years across (by comparison, the Milky Way features a virial mass of ~4.8 x 1011 solar masses

Bad actors take the patches and reverse engineer or deconstruct to find out what was fixed and how. They then look to exploit those systems that are not patched. It is a never ending arms race.