
I was commenting at the specific line “In another, we got it from shooting dogs three times (please don’t judge us)“

They are not real animals. Shoot whatever you like. You are already murdering thousands of people, what is the difference with shooting a dog, rat, raccoon, cat, etc?

He never flies upside down.  He falls when upside down, but is not flying that way.  He has to turn back over to stop the fall.

“Be what you want to see”

Tannerite is very stable even mixed. It will not detonate with fire or even a hammer strike. It has to be hit with a supersonic projectile.

You can get it at sporting good stores.  Academy sells it where I live.

This opens a real mess of worms with regards to who determines what is terrorist speech. This has all kinds of potential for negative unintended consequences.

Even if the vehicle did what they sales people (that always say grey statements) says it could do, who ultimately suffers if something goes wrong? The occupants. So why not err on the side of caution and continue to pay attention when the car is driving? It is not like the system tells you that you should, or that it


When did this %17 minimum come in? Food costs more and the tipping expectation goes up as well?

Keep in mind that every extra feature like lights and multiple connectors all take money away from the primary purpose of the product: transmit and receive audio. Assuming all products are $99.99, the one with more bells and whistles that are superfluous, like lights and multiple connectors, will have the lower

Every factory worker ever should always ask the following when operating a machine new to them:

Be aware! The T-Mobile T-Mobile (AC-1900) can no longer be used with the ASUS AIMesh system. They have purposely update their firmware to exclude this device. I update mine this weekend and it is no longer able to mesh. After some research, it looks like a deliberate act. You can keep it on an old firmware, but at

Be aware! The T-Mobile T-Mobile (AC-1900) can no longer be used with the ASUS AIMesh system. They have purposely

Why did you pshop him to be groping her?

I am not sure that I owe everybody that comes to my house wifi and a communal tablet.

The wife should face some charges as well. Think about from the husband’s perspective. He is sitting there, trying to ignore his wife when he hears her yelling from the door that somebody is trying to break in. She is just a responsible for that situation as the husband is for shooting.

You assume the other countries can meet the additional demand. It may take time for them to ramp up additional production to fill in what the other exporters make.

It is interesting that the fireball and radiation ranges are larger if it hits the ground vs in the air. The shockwave and heat cover a greater area with the airburst, and that makes perfect sense.

They will release the date when their Dark Matter Overlords are ready for them to release the data.

Heath data is some of the most sensitive information out there...