After deciding on Del Rio as his coach, Mark Davis set his sights on the super bowl. His thoughts returned to football after a few minutes of admiring his new haircut.
After deciding on Del Rio as his coach, Mark Davis set his sights on the super bowl. His thoughts returned to football after a few minutes of admiring his new haircut.
"I'm afraid I have to reciprocate your act"- Every opposing offense, in the rare event the Bears scored a touchdown this season.
Denver needs to win a superbowl before Elway starts this sort of self aggrandizing talk. He's clearly putting the cart before himself.
Almost as fearless as Matthew Lillard, who had the incredible courage to star in a live-action Scooby-Doo movie
I talked to some Broncos players who said Manning was throwing more picks in practice in the past six weeks than at any other time.
Can we all as reasonable people agree that had Rodgers never been born, this game would have gone completely differently?
So it made this a non-catch and it made the Calvin Johnson play a non-catch.
Long before I entered the blogging biz, I was a college professor who made goofy GIFs as a hobby. I am no longer an…
I thought this piece was pretty good.
the complete first season of the original Batman television show on DVD, and a fuuuuuckingLed Zeppelin CD.
It's still early, but this is a strong contender for dumbest shit posted on Deadspin tonight.
Highlight truthers. Every. Single. Time.
Wait - are you answering for you or Randle?
You can put the Knicks on TNT as much as you want, nothing is making Amare explosive again.
FUCK! I can't believe I forgot to mention that. I had this whole thing worked out in my head about how it gets a bad rap due to that doof loving the White (which is also outstanding), and I was even going to email Drew and KOGOD to see if it was a KSK thing or a Jambaroo thing and get all the proper sourcing, and I…
How good could it be if they can't even bother to spell the word "triple" correctly?
I...think you're missing the core, implicit question in all of this.