The project costs like $20 and is supposed to be personal and thoughtful, not necessarily practical. Almost any handmade gift is likely to be less practical and often more expensive than a storebought alternative. That isn't the point...
The project costs like $20 and is supposed to be personal and thoughtful, not necessarily practical. Almost any handmade gift is likely to be less practical and often more expensive than a storebought alternative. That isn't the point...
That's hilarious. Motherfucker looks like he's angrily starting a faulty lawnmower.
Oh I didn't know you were an activist.
Welcome to life, kids.
Holy shit. The one email just totally dislodged a completely forgotten memory. So I was on a non-stop cross-country flight back from DC to Seattle. I had the window seat, and next to me, in the middle seat, was a...ehhhh I want to say like 6 year-old boy, and his mom had the aisle seat. About an hour into the flight,…
Wow! Congrats! What position did you play?
I was surprised to see an ad for State Farm Insurance at the bottom of this post, I thought for sure it would be an ad for Travelers.
I am a lifelong Nets fan but regardless, this was one of the cruelest and most upsetting things I have ever seen.
I have a receipt that long from CVS and all I bought was a granola bar.
C'mon now. We here at Deadspin appreciate sage legal insight, and are always eager to welcome any lawyers willing to provide it. We have one guy, I guess you could think of him as our resident attorney, but he's a rather senile, incoherent fellow. Always rambling about First Amendment rights and shit.
I think if you really, truly love someone, even if you two are not compatible, you should have the compassion and empathy to be willing to let your partner be "free" to find someone who they are compatible with. I don't want my partner to stay just because he would feel bad for hurting my feelings - I want him to want…
I have just one question.
Please oh please let RG3 end up with St. Louis and emerge as their franchise quarterback. This is what Dan Snyder deserves more than anything else.
Kobe plans to pass the ball at least once on Wednesday.
I trust her. She appears to be a board-certified McD.
This breaks my heart even more than the original post. Maybe I'm generalizing based on my own experiences, but there are those good and bad moments in our lives that we crave to repeat or struggle to forget. I don't know if anyone saw the movie 'The Loneliest Planet", but there is a scene where one of the characters…
@JohnDoe: Double play. She's a big baseball fan.