
All in all, this seems like a really stupid idea. I am NOT linking this account to any other account.

As someone who went through a couple of IPOs as a techie (and no, I did not get rich, or even close to it), it's depressing to report that for the average wage-slave over at Facebook, things are not going to change dramatically.

Charlie, you won't hire me because you've listed an impossible set of skills and experience needed for the job. The concept that an intelligent person with similar skills could come in and learn the job in a week vanished when the economy went down the drain. Hiring managers became so inundated with resumes, the only

My home shredder was about to give up the ghost, so this post was timely. I followed the link, and gave it a shot. I figured the Canola oil was a lot cheaper than buying a new shredder, and I had nothing to lose.

There's a fascinating history of flash memory from the guys at Intel who invented it here:

Steve Jobs is turning in his grave right now.

Google's hiring process takes so long, the fastest way for them to add headcount is to simply buy up other companies.

Amen, brother. Amen. I worked at a company that kluged together some demo code for a trade show. We wound up shipping that demo code, and then spent countless hours in support, debugging and writing patches, time that could have been spent doing it right in the first place.

Yes, that episode was classic. Spoiler Alert!

I clicked the link, and the poster is black. And blank. Tried two different browsers. Am I missing something, or is their server getting hammered?

Not at all for my benefit? I am shocked! SHOCKED! to hear this.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for Kodak. Intel approached them with their newly developed flash memory. It would revolutionize photography, Intel assured them. Kodak passed. They were making too much money on their photographic paper business to cannibalize it.

"The plague still exists, but it behaves much differently than it did back then. For example, today the plague is carried by rats and is contracted directly from them (or their fleas). In the 14th century, the Black Death passed from person to person, which is what made its destruction so swift."

Watchmen had a production budget of $130 million. I don't know what the production budget was, but it had to be several (tens of) millions more. It grossed $185 million worldwide and domestically.

Today, on Amazon, I can buy a Canon G12 for $449, a Lumix DMC-LX5 for $399and a Canon S95 for $365. Of the three, only the G12 comes close to a $500 price point, which is misses by 10%.

The fact that Gizmodo actually reads the WSJ is enough to make me stop reading Gizmodo.

Roger doesn't like 3D, but he is a big fan of hand-held cameras. He thinks having the cinematographer walk around holding the camera lends some sort of air of intimacy to film. Or something.

IIRC from college psych, stressful dreams for men involve color, otherwise they dream in black-and-white. It's just the opposite for women.

Regardless of who this guy is, John Young has probably put his life in danger, and Gawker hasn't helped any by spreading the story around.

Water fowl use the flap-run technique to get airborne: from sitting in the water, they start to flap their wings, which gets them up a few inches in the water. Simultaneously, they start 'running' on top of the water to pick up speed (it helps at this point to have webbed feet, like a duck, but I'm don't think it's