
The entire episode had that Barton Fink feeling.

Yes, the scene reminded me of Brody's end in Homeland.

I thought they were both great. Goran Bogdan is the Bosnian John Krasinksi. I liked his strong, silent type of performance. I'm Croatian on my father's side and I grew up with guys just like that.

Yes, season 4 was announced the day after season three was up on Netflix.

I don't think the relationship between Todd and Bojack is shattered just yet. I think it's repairable.

He said it could have come from a squirrel.

Pretty much. I would prepare a lot.

It was a nice little parallel having the grandfather tell Mischa a story of catching young Philip and Irina making out through the window and calling his wife over to spy on them, then later have Stan catch Matthew and Paige 'in the act' and giddily tell Phil all about it.

It's just so joyous, too. I remember floating out of the theatre after watching it, and just smiling for the rest of the night. Ali's buoyancy was infectious. Sometimes I think that was his true power. He lifted people up.

I know Billy Crystal has ceased being relevant, but probably the best thing he ever did was his wonderful tribute to Ali with his '15 Rounds'. The love and respect in his impression was palpable, but I just got a kick out of Ali himself in that upper right corner of the screen, just grinning in disbelief and letting

HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIT!!! Just when she was getting sucked in, Paige gets another shot of Russkie Realness when her mother turns into a lethal killing machine and badass.


Not surprised to see Cooper there. I was really into the transgressive writers of the 90's but had to take a break after reading one of his novels.