
I think a combo of word choice (except for Meghan, they are all old enough to have a real issue with that word) + seeing rage spiral out of control stunned everyone.

So glad you’re comfortable claiming facts that aren’t actually facts. Good for you!

There’s been a lot of repeated credible accusations that Bill is a cheater. Credible accusations that he’s a serial rapist? If Starr didn’t run with the Broddrick accusations, that’s saying something.

You’re mistaken. The point is accusations of sexual assault are overwhelmingly true, so the police and judicial system has a duty to believe the accuser rather than look for reasons to discredit her and pass on properly investigating sexual assault.

Okay, but that’s actually not a statement that “all women should be believed,” though. It’s a statement that survivors of sexual assault should be believed.

Do you think in 1978 HRC was planning her post First Lady career?

I was voting age in 1992, and I definitely buy that at that point, HRC was thinking about her career post Bill Clinton’s run for President. I don’t know that I buy her thinking that far ahead in 1978, when she’s been accused of intimidating Broaddrick.

I think it’s “all victims should be heard.”

The accusation of rape and intimidation bu HRC is from *1978* Do you need help with the math?

Well, nobody is suggesting you park a kid in a playpen all day. People used playpens for exactly those times you needed to concentrate on something without a little one underfoot and where you knew where they were and so it was easy to pop in and take a look in on them, like when you’re cooking. Of course some people

Yes! We hate the tiny square footprint of our kitchen, and living in an apartment building that’s never going to change. For how much my spouse likes to cook, our apartment choice was a little odd. But, everything else on the market at the time had a bad combo of high maintenance fees and kitchens that were in really

Hadn’t thought of that. I guess the idea is better for older kids. Why did playpens stop being a thing?

I think if I lived in a big house, I’d feel the same about galley kitchens. I grew up in a small house with a galley, and I think part of the reason I got so little instruction in the kitchen as a kid was that my parents simply didn’t want kids in there getting under foot. So in that context that they stink.

I like how on these shows people will say how much more “functional” the kitchen is now that a wall has been knocked down. Like people in 1972 weren’t able to cook or something.

FYI, I’m not a Hillary fangirl and found her neither insincere or robotic. She didn’t sound stilted or strange to me. She’s just not as gifted an orator as Obama or her husband. (And I think Obama is better than Bill.)

No campaign is flawless, nor would anyone expect anything involving human being to be flawless, so I

Yes. I’d guess there’s more history there than was explained, which probably informs the initial hostility shown on camera. Plus, alcohol.

We considered Tungsten and other other light but strong medals for our bands. There were some concerns about conducting heat (my spouse works in a kitchen) and also how easy it would be to cut off a band in an emergency, so for some reason we ended up with just plain old yellow gold bands. It’s was fun to see how long

Can’t and won’t are very distinct concepts which your little mind clearly can’t grasp. You’re a douchnozzle of the highest order, reducing appropriate backlash to tool like you who notallmen to a profoundly stupid and inappropriate response to someone pointing out the blindingly obvious fact that you clearly need to

For me it was 35. I have all these pairs of high heeled shoes sitting in boxes in my closet that if I wear make the balls of my feet feel like nails are being driven in to them! I used to keep them at the office and only wore them to meetings, but I work from home now.

Do they? If they do, I’ll go out on a limb to guess they cost 4x what a regular cake cutter costs.

My rings don’t match either, so when I wear the engagement ring, I put it on my right hand. (My wedding band is a comfort fit, but the engagement ring is not. and they are 10k and 14k yellow gold, so I can see the difference in tone). That’s really a thing you can do, but people are so used to matched sets they get