
You’re a massive douche.

A lot of women don’t look at it as their princess moment though. Maybe you need to expand your social circle so you meet more women who don’t want to drop $20K on a wedding. They are out there! They aren’t unicorns.

What seems to throw people is this idea that women are supposed to wear their engagement ring like its their wedding ring - daily, never taken off. When did this become a thing that women are supposed to wear their good jewelry at all times? Old school decorum is that you don’t wear diamonds during the day anyway.

I wanted my spouse’s dead grandmother’s ring. It cost like $20 because we made no alterations to it and it just needed to be resized. I would have been fine with no ring, because I think wearing any kind of stone on my hand day in and day out is just silly, but giving me the ring seemed to be important to him and to

my ring is a family heirloom from my spouse’s grandmother. I didn’t care about an engagement ring and preferred we continued to save for a down payment on a home, so bingo! I wear it now on special occasions - NYE, big family dinners, etc., but I wore it more when we were first engaged and married. It catches on

I struggle to recall married women always wearing their engagement rings in my youth. I just didn’t see a lot of diamonds on women’s hands day in and day out. My mom tells me she wore my dad’s engagement ring daily early on in their marriage, but I have no memory of it. I just remember a gold band. (And I remember

Some women think that finding out what we like or even having us pick out the ring *is* the thought and effort.

I don’t doubt the host knew the one woman knew Kelly. But, when you tell everyone the strangeness of your marriage - separation, dating others - and your spouse knows the details, while I can appreciate its awkward if that time you had a boyfriend while you were separated comes up, I don’t get it triggering going

I wondered if the venue had any staff that could have escorted her out. I mean, once your host tells you get out, it’s time to go.

Everyone knows the best way to insult people is to use same insults on multiple people at the same party. You look like every average blonde OC women. And so do you! And you too! Their feelings must have been really hurt. Or they were just puzzled.

I wondered why they had moved it. It seems like the lady asking “what does your bag look like” maybe realized she might have moved her bag and was maybe trying to be helpful. I don’t quite get why asking someone who is looking for her bag what her bag looks like caused a weird reaction. Other than alcohol. I

Yeah, taking jabs at people’s age is just a weird form of insult to me. Like, how is it an insult that someone didn’t die? No kidding, she’s in her 50s because she didn’t die. So will the person lobbing that super lame insult if she’s lucky and continues to get the gift of living. Everyone isn’t so lucky.

The fight started because that woman in the jumpsuit asked Kelly what her bag looked like right? It was all a misunderstanding, wasn’t it, and the lady was talking smack afterwards because she felt attacked?

Yeah, but it’s was one of those bizarre insults where, it’s like, I know you’re trying to insult me, but why do you think that’s an insult?

How do you know with such certainty what you would do with a similar background to Van Houten, in the same time period, being manipulated by Manson, and being feed a diet of LSD for months at a time? If you’re honest with yourself, you would admit you don’t know. And that’s the point. Claiming that you do know isn’t

I tend to think that contemplating unusual circumstances and trying to put ourselves in other people’s shoes is valuable in an exercise in empathy, which is good. I mean, Charles Manson didn’t seek out a bunch of mentally ill kids. He found people that he could exploit and control, and understanding how that could

You’re telling someone to get over something she barely registered when it happened. Seems like it’s more you who needs to get over it (and stop making excuses for why it’s okay to treat someone like shit because you find it entertaining.)

I agree. But it’s fucked up to excuse shitty behavior just because the person who was treated poorly wasn’t destroyed by the shitty behavior. If you think it’s acceptable to treat someone like shit because you witnessing it got a little thrill out of it or the person wasn’t permanently harmed, I’d counter that whoever

I think the point is to encourage people to be more thoughtful rather than resort to knee jerk responses.

You know that your truth isn’t someone else’s, right? Cause what you really mean is he was speaking his opinion. An important lesson in life is that it is ill advised to offer your opinion at every opportunity. Like maybe when you’re shittng all over a teenager’s moment we can all agree that is the wrong time to tell