Salmon Leap

@avclub-bc6bd88c94609d4921de4db30894c47c:disqus Also, I know that with all the close-ups of the killer's hands they needed a way to telegraph exactly whose finger it was when they show Barr's / the conspirator guy's hands, but boy was that fungal nail infection gross.

@avclub-bc6bd88c94609d4921de4db30894c47c:disqus Yeah I thought it was pretty clearly laid out, plus for the entire film they were trying to emphasize other characters' distrust of him because of his loner background.

@avclub-bc6bd88c94609d4921de4db30894c47c:disqus Yeah I thought it was pretty clearly laid out, plus for the entire film they were trying to emphasize other characters' distrust of him because of his loner background.

@avclub-bc6bd88c94609d4921de4db30894c47c:disqus  I saw it last night as well. I can get why he'd be irritated at the bar girl, and the line comes as he's being marched outside for a fight, but that line in particular landed wrong for me. Something that communicated his sense of disgust at her setting up someone she

@avclub-bc6bd88c94609d4921de4db30894c47c:disqus  I saw it last night as well. I can get why he'd be irritated at the bar girl, and the line comes as he's being marched outside for a fight, but that line in particular landed wrong for me. Something that communicated his sense of disgust at her setting up someone she

I was surprised by how many sequences impressed me: The wordless opening, 
A very interesting visual use of a sniper's scope (instead of a circle and crosshair surrounded by black, you could see the street below outside of the scope; it moved as the scope moved and you got both a sense of scale, and a sense of

I was surprised by how many sequences impressed me: The wordless opening, 
A very interesting visual use of a sniper's scope (instead of a circle and crosshair surrounded by black, you could see the street below outside of the scope; it moved as the scope moved and you got both a sense of scale, and a sense of

Also, the conspirators go on to quietly murder quite a few people (the screwup henchman, the bar girl) without masking it with a spree killing and without getting caught by the traditional authorities. So why couldn't the head henchman have just asphyxiated the woman who owned the construction company?

Also, the conspirators go on to quietly murder quite a few people (the screwup henchman, the bar girl) without masking it with a spree killing and without getting caught by the traditional authorities. So why couldn't the head henchman have just asphyxiated the woman who owned the construction company?

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus It's my experience judging from comparing US newsmedia and Western European newsmedia (and a very small helping of Al Jazeera so I can't speak too much for them) but the US media is usually pretty insultingly one-sided on Israel/Palestine. 
I think this is due to a

From the show's Wikipedia page:

From the show's Wikipedia page:

@avclub-ef47f964f26ee487d5bdb8ed96d5984f:disqus  And is it similarly crass exploitation when Alain Resnais uses footage of the Hiroshima A-Bomb and its aftermath, including the victims' mutilation, to create an emotional response for the fictional love story in "Hiroshima Mon Amour"? I don't think many people complain

@avclub-ef47f964f26ee487d5bdb8ed96d5984f:disqus  And is it similarly crass exploitation when Alain Resnais uses footage of the Hiroshima A-Bomb and its aftermath, including the victims' mutilation, to create an emotional response for the fictional love story in "Hiroshima Mon Amour"? I don't think many people complain

I think such techniques should be available to a filmmaker (as Paul Greengrass likes to point out, why should narrative film be left out of political participation when other art forms aren't expected to be). Obviously, it is not something that should be done lightly. Something like a phone call from 9/11 should be a

I think such techniques should be available to a filmmaker (as Paul Greengrass likes to point out, why should narrative film be left out of political participation when other art forms aren't expected to be). Obviously, it is not something that should be done lightly. Something like a phone call from 9/11 should be a

What's really clever about that is that he's not actually going terribly fast. He mounted the camera extremely low on the fender to give an impression of speed with the street whizzing past the bottom of the screen, and added the sound track of a race car on an empty track.

What's really clever about that is that he's not actually going terribly fast. He mounted the camera extremely low on the fender to give an impression of speed with the street whizzing past the bottom of the screen, and added the sound track of a race car on an empty track.

Well, for the European AV-Clubbers out there, the conservatives would line up more with the Democrats (Obama fits into the Centre-Right club alongside Cameron, Merkel, Sarkozy, etc) and anyone who is more to the left of the spectrum would probably bristle a bit at being identified as lining up with the Democratic

Well, for the European AV-Clubbers out there, the conservatives would line up more with the Democrats (Obama fits into the Centre-Right club alongside Cameron, Merkel, Sarkozy, etc) and anyone who is more to the left of the spectrum would probably bristle a bit at being identified as lining up with the Democratic