
I feel like those are classified as genocide. I think an army unit carrying out orders from a government that was doing some fucked up things at the time is different than a man who acted on his own hatred.

I love this quote.

Can’t act without eyebrows.

No, she was. Emilia Clarke really goes all out with her method acting.

Well she probably wasn’t actually standing in burning building

Absolutely. Remember how horrifying it was to see hundreds upon hundreds of the Wilding fighters battle at Hardhome and get killed, only to rise up again to fight for the other side as undead?

A half-brother link is insinuated. His mother is still his mother, and he’s still linked to Cersei and Jamie, so that story still holds. It even makes the story stronger if Tywin suspected it, hated Tyrion for it, but kept Tyrion around keep one last thing from his dead wife.

Also, Dany’s fetus had genetic

Eh, I mean the doors were barred. They made that pretty clear. I bet it would be pretty hard to knock those doors down while they were, you know, getting burnt alive.

Maybe that’s why he’s called “Giantsbane,” it’s not because he can slay giants. It’s because he can SLAY giants.

I dunno. Anyone who puts up a good faith effort to kill Ramsey gets a nice golf clap from me.

It wasn’t a body double. This is what Emilia Clarke said about it in a just published Entertainment Weekly article:

It wasn’t a body double. This is what Emilia Clarke said about it in a just published Entertainment Weekly article:

Danny is only competent when she’s being bad and not trying to be the good guy. She should embrace the darkside, become a military leader, and give up on the idea of queen.

Tormund was eye fucking Brienne the whole episode, it was magical. Mr Giantsbane wants to totally tear up that giant

I don’t think it’s as much of a problem anymore, but back around the first couple of seasons, there was a rash of people naming their daughters “Khaleesi.” And I was like, “Are you crazy? You just named your daughter ‘Wife of a Khal!’”

God, I am such a dork. I can’t believe I actually squealed when Sansa and Jon reunited. It’s nice to see something nice happen to the Starks for once. Now they need to go get Bran and head to Winterfell. Of course Ramsey had to ruin the reunion by reminding me that Rickon is his hostage now. Hopefully those rumors

I thought assassins or spies.

I can’t be the only one who saw the three women Tyrion gave the slavers and thought, "Oh good, now he's got three conveniently-placed assassins."

I also really liked seeing Daenerys call someone else “khaleesi” for a change. I have co-workers who still think that’s her name.