
I’m glad you enjoyed it, despite your gratuitous rudeness.

Let’s not talk about the island. Sheesh what a mess that was. Lost is the only show that I am embarrassed to have watched to the very end. I was the biggest fan, too. Visited the set and everything. Ugh. The shame.

I hereby propose that the idiom “to beat a dead horse” henceforth be superseded within the pop culture lexicon by the more relatable contemporary reference, “to insist that Jon Snow is dead.”

Arrrg, this is starting to remind me of when the creators of Lost kept insisting that the Island wasn’t Purgatory, when it was totally fucking Purgatory. At this point I’d actually be impressed if Jon Snow was dead for realsies.

Jon Snow is dead. JON STARK LIVES.

Okay, HBO. He’s given a new name when Melisandre reanimates his body, got it.

They’re basically imposing Christian-approved burial methods on everyone. Like...I’m donating my body to science when I die. If my SO or a close family member dies without a will, I’d have to decide what happens to the body. But with this law, you can’t do the same of a fetus. On top of all the other reasons why this

Indeed, but the law was designed with the assumption that Planned Parenthood was selling dead baby parts. Rather, the bill would eliminate any fetal tissue from being donated to scientific and medical research, while placing the cost of disposal upon the woman. It’s extremely regressive from every angle.

“...produced by Luke and written by Meghan Trainor...”

something vile did happen.

1. A rape crisis centre

Seriously? You think that Kesha would let herself go through the universal disbelief and shaming that every woman who reports rape goes through, just for those imaginary rape dollars that apparently every woman gets for being brave enough to denounce her rapist? Really?

But studies show prosecutions for false rape allegations occur so infrequently that they really should not be considered significant, when we live in a rape culture where so few rapes lead to conviction or even charges.

Because he’s a really shit lawyer who doesn’t know how to build a case. That he thought it was a good idea to drag an unrelated party into this mess solely because she has something in common with his client should tell you everything you need to know about his competence as a lawyer. That’s a mistake not even a

He didn’t “confirm” anything. He pulled that straight out of his ass because Gaga went public with the fact that she’d been raped by a producer when she was 19, and he was desperate for anything to bolster his client’s case. So he concluded that Dr Luke must have been her rapist, because of course he’s the only male

I really enjoy your posts and find them very educational and well-argued so please don’t take this as an attack, but isn’t this veering a little close to to playing into the “women will lie about being raped for financial gain” myth? We all know that MRA’s like to pretend that woman could gain financially from making

Lady Gaga never said she was victimized in the same way, she said he was an emotionally abusive asshole. That’s basically what everyone who’s worked with him has said, and it’s not hard to believe - from his previous press, he sounds like a classic type-A narcissist (although I’ll admit he’s got the talent to back some

Yeah, corporations never elide the truth with the help of a small army of lawyers.

It’s been discussed around the comments. I’m not sure exactly which option Sony means when they say that b/c I haven’t dug deep but there’s two things: