
There’s so much to research these days. They have THC infused mint strips, sodas, sprays, drops, etc. That’s a lot to check up on.

One of the Innocence Projects is taking on his case according to Steven’s trial lawyers. They were doing a Q&A and brought up why they wouldn’t be helping him.

He also didn’t even test all the samples. He only tested 3 of the 6.

Especially when the car was handled by an investigator not changing gloves, the fact that no Theresa DNA was found on the sex toy cuffs, and that he answered the door with a towel on once that she laughed about to a coworker.

They included the most “damning” evidence. Evidence that was “left out” included shit like cuffs bought at a sex shop with a button that released them, with no Theresa DNA on them, and Steven dna under the hood of her car after the investigator didn’t change gloves.

They put in the evidence they thought was the most “damning” towards Avery. Everything Kratz is trying to claim as super important is shit that was already refuted.

1. No she didn’t. She told a coworker and they laughed about it. She never stated she didn’t want to go back or that she was creeped out.

Seriously, most of my tinder/OKC swipes are when I’m high or drunk :’)

Yeah, but I was stationed on an island out in the middle of nowhere with about 1500 people on it. Also there was no cell service. And no wifi that reached the whole island, only like one or two buildings. So that doesn’t count.

The top of her dress reminds me of a swimsuit. I think that’s kindof the look they’re going for. Like she’s getting out of the water, but formal.

I see what you’re saying. A lot of her fans like that she farts and eats pizza and is “like one of the guys”. Those same people may or may not have issues with feminism. There have been celebrities before who became outspoken about something opposite of their fan base (Dixie Chicks against Bush, for example) and it

It has come in handy as of late. I love BDSM stuff but after this I just can’t trust porn. There are porns that do interviews with the cast (LOVE those) but they’re few and far between. Luckily I can get off on sound when going solo, so people filming themselves masturbating is more than enough for me. I know where

If she just said she was abstinence only in interviews or something I don’t think it would get this reaction. It’s because she goes out of her way to lecture others and actively try to influence them to be “abstinence only” while obviously feeling she’s above it and still a good christian, but all others are bad,

I’m so confused by her answer. Like, SHE’S the one who tried to bring up heroin addiction when talking about marijuana use. It’s the fucking interviewer who pointed out how they’re different and unrelated (legal prescriptions lead towards heroin, not marijuana). Going “well there’s a difference” is just repeating the

They then used their bullshit to fertilize the lands

Didn’t they find the DNA *after* the coerced confession? If they were planting shit it’d make sense they’d plant it on that location to try and further support the “confession”.

Public “What about the nephew?”

He’d be preying on young girls even if he was a billionaire and super models were throwing themselves at him. It’s not about being unable to get girls his own age, he specifically wants to prey on girls.

Was there a Turing test in game or something?

I haven't seen it and I fear for my health if I did.