Replacing people with synths and experimenting with super mutants isn’t exactly a great path towards rebuilding civilization.
Replacing people with synths and experimenting with super mutants isn’t exactly a great path towards rebuilding civilization.
Aw that's a bummer :/ I have no idea! I hoard a lot of junk that also has wood in it? No ideas other than those.
Do you use the trees at all the settlements then have the Leader perk that allows you to share resources to any settlement with a supply line?
Funny enough, my mom is the star wars fan. My dad is pretty “eh” about it. So it was my mom who took my brother and myself to the prequels.
I felt so sad when she said she’d rather being doing something outdoors and detailing how much she hates make up and dressing up. That’s like 80% of her life right now.
People in waiting rooms and those sitting areas at airports.
Yeah, definitely agree that there are a lot of issues that feed into the industry. I think this is something that may just need to be won in little battles over one over reaching solution.
“Consent context before/after a video is something conscientious consumers should be taught to request from any porn, not just porn that portrays explicitly non-consensual behavior.”
I don’t think the one I cited would work (she was very enthusiastic throughout the performance), but I get what you’re going for. I’d be curious to see the data on such an approach.
That definitely makes sense. I’m glad you’re the person I posed this question to!
Do the studies go over what happens when a pedophile role plays with someone acting like a kid? Do they experience the same recidivism rate as those who view child porn? This isn’t for an argument, I’m just genuinely curious if that’s been studied.
Oooooooooooooof, that passive aggressive “thanks” is the worst given this context. What a douche canoe.
My mom still has that doll. She forbid me from playing with it (though I never got the desire to put my hair in it’s mouth) after the warnings came out then just kept it in a closet.
I mean I agree with OP, but that’s because she specifically talks about morning mouth. Morning mouth is so awful! Sucking dick isn’t inherently gross.
The punchline of the joke is on the assaulter, not their victim. That’s usually the line for me with rape jokes.
If there’s a specific problem with porn (it interferes with their sex life, it starts to warp their perception of what real sex is like, etc) that’s one thing. But if otherwise normal porn viewing behavior is still a problem to one of them then to me that is a jealousy and control issue. It isn’t about choosing porn…
Pretty much what I think. As long as you’re with a partner or are seeking a partner who has similar wild fantasies or desire to experiment I don’t see those impulses as a bad thing.
To me, “too much” would be if your computer is full. It’s only too much because you literally don’t have room anymore.
Right? I don’t see that as a healthy solution, at all.
“ Some people have the urge to have sex with little kids, but”