
She just won MVP.

I’m wondering if the “You know who I am!” thing is an actual “I KNOW you know who I am”. Like if it’s been brought up in conversation, the front desk woman has mentioned it in the past, greets her as “Hey Amy!” etc etc.

You should get the scrapper perk. It will allow you to get screws from guns and other things.

My first reaction was aw shit, I’m a young person.

They should print out Oatmeal comics :)

That was my first thought, but then my second is who the fuck stared their comments. Do we have 14 trolls in the comments or are people that fucking horrible? Maybe it’s just a mixture.

Point two is talking about the French populace? I’m specifically talking about their military like you did in point one. Their military are not like the girl scouts.

Interesting, there are white spots mixed in with my freckles. I never noticed!

From what I can find WA has come out and said they would continue to support and aid refugees. CA hasn’t said anything yet.

“1. On a good day, their military is worth laughing at. On a bad day, it’s less dangerous than a Girl Scout troup.”

I am honestly surprised at the amount of io9 readers here who are getting fussy over comic spoilers. Comic spoilers are discussed here frequently no warning and it’s been that way for a really long time.

Is he a Scientologist? Where else would rumors come from?

I used one example, that’s very clearly not the end all be all list of Christian terrorist activity. And when you compare it to Muslim terrorist attacks in America? They’re pretty damn comparable in scope. Not a lot of them happen year, yet the reactions to a Muslim terrorist attack and a Christian one are like night

Why don’t we expand it further and just say push all humans out of cities?

.....there was an arsonist attack on a Planned Parenthood near me like two months ago. In 2012 one in Wisconsin was bombed. So on and so forth. Not even remotely close to “two decades ago.”

No, there are definitely Christian terrorists who explicitly kill in the name of their faith just like Muslim terrorists.

I highly doubt if you took the amount of Muslim terrorists around the world that it’d be significantly greater, if it’s greater at all, than those of Christian terrorists. Add in the amount active in the US, groups active in Africa, groups active in India, and even some groups in the middle east (Israel) and it’s not

Yup. I get called “humorless” for not laughing at dead baby jokes, hitler jokes, etc. But it’s like, dude...I’ve been hearing those over and over since high school. Maybe if you put in more effort I’d be amused.