Sally Sass

Aldi and Trader Joe’s have a ton of near identical products. If you weren’t aware, the respective owners of Trader Joe’s and Aldi are brothers. For a while the two companies were Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud, then renamed to Trader Joe’s and Aldi. with Aldi keeping a more Germanic grocery store experience and Trader Joe’s

“the book?”

Just proof that unpaid overtime of any kind is wage theft. Stop believing the lie that salary carries with the implicit need to work whatever hours are necessary.

Puka shell necklaces will be the hill I die on. You’re not dating a dude with a puka shell necklace.

I feel like princesses is a weird ass hill to die on, too. Save that battle for vegetables, or dating boys with goatees.

I feel you 100% on this. I just got married in the spring after being engaged 18 months. I was super excited to marry my husband because he is awesome, but I had the hardest time acting it out for other people. There was such an intense expectation that I was enjoying every tiny detail, when really I’d rather be

This rings true to me, though I have never been pregnant so I can’t weigh in on that specific experience. But I can say that when I was getting married, I was driven mad by pressure to perform the process for others. I found myself forced to unnecessarily explain things that didn’t need an explanation:

I don’t think she is criticizing pregnant women in the public, I think she is criticizing how other people are with pregnant women. They always want to touch your belly, ask about when it is due, names, gender, blah blah blah.

So, I’m trans and fat (I guess that makes me a trans fat?) and like what seems like most women in these comments I can’t wear their bras because I’m a 42C. However, their panties are amazing. They’re comfortable, stylish, and keep my Hidden Shame safely hidden to prevent further shame. 5/7 perfect score, would

Given that the author is a comedian, I really don’t think she was trying to set any bars for social behaviour or seriously advise people to fake migraines rather than be honest about having a bad day. I found the humor in the (somewhat dramatized) description of the thought processes that a depressed person often goes

Schrodinger’s Feminist

Hilarious you say polishing his lego head, because he did have a hairstylist on his full-time staff. He used to fly her around the world with him on the taxpayer dime.
(though, the salary was only paid out of the household budget for a few years, and then they started paying it from donations made to the conservative

Okay, this has got to stop.

Definitely agree, the attacks on Trudeau for hiring nannies are ridiculous. No one has an issue with the Prime Minister hiring a cook or a housekeeper, why is hiring someone to help with your kids so different? It seems the assumption underlying the Conservative’s criticism is that the PM’s wife is responsible for

Meanwhile all I want us a fucking daycare space in Toronto. I am willing to give up my entire monthly paycheque in order to pay the exorbitant fees, just so I can remain competitive in the workforce. And yet it is looking like I will be a SAHM. At least I have a choice (be completely fucking dependant on my husband’s

I’m pretty miffed about Rona fucking Ambrose and her lame attack. All they did was allocate some of their housekeeping funds to nannies instead of whatever Harper was doing with that share (polishing his Lego head?). It’s a non-story borne of desperation. And the NDP attacks and says he’s not spending enough? Buddy

I can assure you that it is extremely sucky to be a woman who is nearly 6’1” when you doesn’t have the figure or complexion of a model.

And an Aboriginal woman as Minister of goddam Justice. Maybe we’ll finally get something done for the welfare of aboroginal women across the country. I'm so jazzed about this cabinet.

My favourite part:

Screw the almond milk. Coconut milk is the hotness.