Sally Sass

My band size is the same!

Also, though it's more work to get on, the Juno is even better than the Fiona. Good luck!

(I used to run in the Maia, which has underwire (ergo breasts are separated) but I had the problem that while my larger breast was good, my smaller breast would get a rash from bouncing around. Just a

My band size is the same!

Also, though it's more work to get on, the Juno is even better than the Fiona. Good luck!


Yes, June >> Fiona, definitely. It's not that hard to get off, and it's the best bounce-killer for my FFs. Once, I forgot to do up the clasps before a long run, and just the racerback itself kept everything in place. I didn't even notice until I got back and went to take it off!

Yes, June >> Fiona, definitely. It's not that hard to get off, and it's the best bounce-killer for my FFs. Once, I

For what it's worth, my regular cup size is F/FF but I wear their D. If you can find them locally, try them on - you might be surprised!

For what it's worth, my regular cup size is F/FF but I wear their D. If you can find them locally, try them on - you

IUD! It's the best thing ever (Mirena). I haven't had a cramp since I got it, and my periods barely exist. I haven't used a cup/tampon/pad since I got the IUD 8 months ago.

A totally different type of pain, I agree - but I don't want you to be undersold on what some women experience. Mine are rolling, like Jolie said, but the pain peaks can be anywhere from gassy stomach cramps (the "I really have to stop pretending I can digest lactose" level of pain) to as debilitating as a severe side

Precious kisses is BAD...but how about Princess Obligation? Obligation was the family name, she had a brother at our school too, though I forget his name. Princess was called to the office all of the time, no doubt because she'd always forgotten her diamond-studded lunchbox or some bullshit (diamond-studded bullshit

OH! The best hair cut for my 2B hair I've ever received was in Nanaimo! From a woman named Nadine, who had a small salon in her basement and gorgeous curls. My ex's family had been going to her for years, and my hair has never, ever, looked so good. I paid over $100 for a fancy hair cut at a curly-only salon in

The best hair cut for my 2B hair I've ever received was in Nanaimo! From a woman named Nadine, who had a small salon in her basement and gorgeous curls. My ex's family had been going to her for years, and my hair has never, ever, looked so good. I paid over $100 for a fancy hair cut at a curly-only salon in Toronto

I agree that we don't do the best job of teaching empathy to our boys.

I'm sorry to derail - but if you haven't already, maybe consider being tested for Celiac. I had all three of those symptoms before getting my diagnosis three years ago, and now (with a completely gf diet) feel like a completely different human.

There's good advice here - definitely get the three days pass if you like the temples. Start one day at dawn at Angkor, and another day begin later and watch the sun set from a temple. Spend at least $3/night on your guestroom, any cheaper isn't worth it. Hire a tuk tuk driver for all three days (they don't have to be

I would swarm the shit out of that! That whole "my list" thing of famous people you're allowed to fuck if they offer, with no consequences on your relationship? My list is David Attenborough (though I'm not sure it'd be worth it unless he narrates it all)

So much fabulous. Your bestie sounds like the best!

Hahah yes! See also: unlimited coffee allowance

Ahhh I love them! And with the crinoline! Perfect.

Awesome recovery - I bet your wedding was a blast!!

Well there's your problem, Kestra, she said FRESHLY washed.

This is the best one! I love that.

Well, the wedding is at my friend's urban organic farm, in Vancouver, least I'm not wearing cowboy boots or fuscia hunter rain boots? (Well, I certainly will wear my rain boots if needed, but they're yellow). Your birkendisdain makes me happy. Don't worry, I won't wear socks (not even my Japanese lobster ones

I'm doing that, but just going tea-length with my grandma's old party dress (the classy gene stopped with her - she had a raw ivory silk dress with 50 buttons down the back, just for, you know, parties. She'd be so sad to know it's the fanciest thing I'll ever wear)(and that I'm wearing it with birkenstocks). Anyhow,

I wonder if I could make all of my wedding guests (including me!) play this game. Best theme wedding EVER.