
Get a job

I suspect it's because they subconsciously want to reclaim control of the abusive situation. I heard about this concept in psychology class. I forgot the term for it. You have an abusive and/or alcoholic parent and as a child, you are powerless. As an adult, you find someone with a similar personality to the damaged

As fucked up as it sounds, when this behavior is normalized and a child experiences it growing up, it is their "comfort zone." I put that in quotes, because obviously it's not comfortable and even if they know it's fucked up, it's still what they know.

This one's good.

"The thot that counts" is an awesome name!


Plus, Monica Lewinsky has suffered plenty after her affair with Clinton. She's been unable to escape that.

Wife beating + ear biting + raping = insider trading? Yep sounds right to me, great comparison!

Wait, wasn't she yelling "no"? That doesn't sound at all like the enthusiastic consent debate we're having. If a woman is yelling "no," there is not any ambiguity and I'm pretty sure it wasn't up for debate in 1992, anymore than it is now.

Monica broke no laws.

To me, rape is a crime that you can never repay. As someone who was just involved in a rape trial that actually went to court, I know that the struggle and turmoil of the victim oftentimes is with them for the rest of their lives. My friend who was raped has panic attacks regularly, has tried to kill herself a few

Right! Because rape and fraud are equal, right? Give me a break, Jeeves.

Christ-on-a-cracker, people have short memories.

here's a novel idea if you don't want to be called a rapist don't rape people.

Yes, because talking about rape makes someone a piece of shit. As opposed to, you know, actually raping someone.

safety first.

Note: As soon as you trot out "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT" you've lost the argument and everyone is embarrassed for you.

I'm Shmacked is a really toxic phenomenon that comes to my large SEC school every year. It's gotten to the point where sororities will punish their members for attending, not out of PR concerns, but out of legitimate concerns for their safety due to past hospitalizations and general recklessness that can lead to at

I feel like you should have your adult card (seeing rated R movies, buying alcohol, voting, that sort of thing) revoked when you say things like, "My daddy knows some pretty important people."

You don't have to be Kurt Cobain, Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Andy Warhol, Leonardo Da Vinci, or ...