Alvy Singer

I'm no fan of Jason's at all as can be seen from my earlier posts.
Your entitled to your opinion. Rather than argue the point, I'll just agree to disagree.

Your idea for how they should have shot the series would be great. I think "The Chair" did a better job of that although they got into the personality nonsense as well.

Just noticed that my reply never got on here. While I agree, you are in service of what the director wants to do, you miss one critical point. That does not include helping the director drive the film off the cliff, which if Mann had had his way would have produced an even worse film than the one we saw.
And again,

Thanks for your reply and for sharing in detail your own extensive experience as a line producer! And for being so open and honest about the tremendous difficulties that the job entails.

Hey Davidbix. Thanks for your reply.

I understand and appreciate what you're saying, but do not totally agree.

Wrong, the Peter Farelly did not like Jason from day one and thought he was pretentious.

Apparently you forgot why Effie fought against certain things. She had clearly stated how much more money it would cost to get a place in Georgia. Just the need to transport, feed and house the actors and crew would overwhelm any possible savings they might have garnered from a possible cheaper rental in the south

"Now he's dealing with the repercussions of being a dumbass."

One of the problems with P.G. is that they shoot snipets of situations w/o showing the resolutions or specific reasons for something going on. Just as we never knew what happened with that safety meeting turned argument, we aren't told what the reasons for the delay in getting the 24 neighbors to sign off is about.