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    And you see a foul mouthed clueless inbred idiot.

    Thank God. deport every single one of them asap.

    Screw Mexico. I lived in Arizona, and saw the stealing and drugs these scum bags brought across us borders on a daily basis. What the US needs to do is authorize lethal force against anyone who crosses our vorders.

    Because he is Superman.....at least he was until the Broncos gave him a serious beat down.

    Well, there are black people, and there are Nnnnnnnnn. If they took a knee during our national anthem, she called it perfectly. Good for her.

    Who is the clueless ignorant idiot that wrote this article? Absolute proof that you cannot fix stupid.

    At least your not racist????

    HBO is as pathetic and disgusting as this self serving vial pig.

    Help America. Kill them all.

    You are truly to stupid to insult. I voted for President Trump and glad I did. BLM is 100% racist, and they promote hate and violence. Regarding your comment about Ok I, I will just add, you are utterly clueless.

    I wish she would practice committing suicide.

    Spoken like a true Democratic liberal bias idiot. Albert, if you are looking for a complete dumbass, just look in the mirror.

    Thank God, bout time. Deport every last one.

    You are a loud mouthed clueless idiot.

    I applaud her caring about others but supporting an organization such as BLM, which is promoting racism and violence sends the wrong message.

    And you are stupid and ignorant. If they broke the law coming here they still broke the law. While he part of that makes them racist? You are an idiot.

    If they broke our laws to come here, they are illegal.....and need deported period.

    The only people who don’t like President Donald Trump, and sheriff Clarke, are the pathetic dusguisting BLM Protesters, aND the Democratic trash, and clueless liberal scum looking for a free ride, everyone else thinkshould they are outstanding.

    Every time you look in the mirror, stepid ass.

    You are both ignorant, aND utterly stupid. You are a group of violent racist pigs.