Starred for use of rookery.
Starred for use of rookery.
I don’t see a thing to be upset about period.
I’d like the 4 minutes I wasted on this post back.
Like mr pickles
I know! I hate it. I went to a Jack White show and he had someone come out before the show and ask everyone to keep their phones in their pockets and enjoy the show with their eyes and not their phones. This guy said “we have a professional photographer here and your welcome to all the pictures you want tomorrow on…
Ill be pretty drunk so no worries.
Yeah, but I’m sure he can just throw steelies on in case this happens again.
How the hell do you confuse Bernie Ecclestone with Liam Neeson
Bowman-Gray is a cesspool, and the only people who’ll tell you otherwise are the ones who think bullshit like this is the best thing since sliced bread, or that the track’s star-studded history and ticket sales somehow make up for the disgrace that it is today.
Please NASCAR fans, tell me again that people aren’t there hoping for wrecks?
A beer conglomerate needed market research on why people buy beer? Hmmm, let’s thik about that for a second.
So edgy!
Now there's a Clarkson replacement I can get behind. Stringer Bell.
When history caught up to the shouty Chris Evans and forced his resignation after spending weeks trying to defend how he wasn’t the absolute worst thing to happen to Top Gear since the History Channel.
Well I’m sorry, but the days of giving the cops the uncritical benefit of the doubt have long passed. The cops have only themselves to blame for that. I’m not sure it was ever a good idea to not be skeptical towards police claims.
236 people tried to kill me by driving in my general direction just today, can I take a dump in my pants and just shoot them all like a cop or should I attempt to use just a little bit of judgment and common sense?
Okay, I’m sensing this is less of a sure thing than is claimed. I’d like to see dash and body cam of the alleged run at them, and also I’d like to see more of a justification for them pulling this guy over to start with.