He doesn’t regret it though. Reread his statement. He regrets that it’s linked to the fire department.
Seriously. How can you suddenly express regret for what you said when you went out of your way to emphasize that you said it?
who among us hasn’t engaged in some light-to-heavy racism on a public scale?
Ending his Facebook post with “Yes I said it” not only showed how strong Smith’s convictions were, it also proved that he has to sound out everything he writes.
i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.
If my husband was too dumb to find his way out of a locker room, I’d keep it to myself.
I’m sure Trump will respond in a Lebronesque fashion, an Instagram post of himself working out.
Good take from Bob Costas:
I tutored Tyler Eifert in college and he was without a doubt the dumbest person I tutored in the 3 years I did. He is showing his grasp on history and global politics is no stronger than his grasp on pre-calculus ever was.
Protest in the street? Naw, this is not the time or place, since the protests are disrupting to my commute.
I identify with this greatly. I can’t wait until Trump fucks with my other pleasant distractions. Oh, look, here he is. Invited to a dinner party with the Real Housewives. Sitting at the table, eating a steak with ketchup before he grabs the shouting woman’s tit. Turning to the camera smiling, his tiny little thumb up…
I’m white, but I’m not THAT white.
But Boston sports fans aren’t racist! It’s those crazy black players making stuff up to feel special!
Last year I had to stand through people complaining about Kaepernick being disrespectful to the National Anthem. They were complaining about it while the National Anthem was playing on the TV...as they were sitting down.
Me: Wow, everything fucking sucks now. At least I have sports to watch and maybe not think about it for a couple of hours.
They booed at the bar I was in Sunday. At the TV. But no one took off their hat or stood or put down their beer. Which proves the patriotism can’t go through a TV screen. I guess.
i paid hundreds of dollars for this stuff that gave me some small amount of pleasure. now i’m burning it. a loved one will pay to replace it for me at christmas when my team is doing well. take that, nfl! i sure showed you! (also, i watch the games, anyway.)