
While they're at it, maybe they can put out a youtube iOS app that doesn't suck. I mean, the one we have now still doesn't even have category search ffs.

They do training flights pretty much every day so if you're worried about the cost of one...

There's no way to make a stealth B-52 but thanks for playing.

Even if they are shot down and captured, they are required to give their name, rank, and serial number. So the name is no big secret.

Thank you, sir!

Apple's biggest iOS 6 maps problem isn't's the maps themselves, which suck balls compared to what Google offers.

I agree, Metro is crap.

I would argue that Microsoft has never been an innovative company. Everything they have ever had that I was even the least bit impressed with is something they acquired via an acquisition.

Neat idea but has many problems:

No, the oxygen supply somehow comes through the engines as I understand it. However, it's supposed to be heavily filtered. I don't know if that filtering would have any effect on glue fumes though.

Actually, we do know something:

Input is everything on a device that is 99% for consumption? Interesting premise. Maybe if I was stoned that would actually make sense to me.

Plastic parts + very hot water = bad combo.

I have a moka pot and a french press and the moka pot is definitely going to make better coffee.

Get a moka pot and you'll wonder why you ever bothered with a French press. Of course, I've heard the same about Chemexes but never used one. I do use a French press for my coffee I bring into work though just because it's easier to clean up afterwards and I'm always rushing in the morning.

I love me some bioflavonoids.

Your first clue that it was a bad investment should have been that it opened at 133x earnings...

Sadly, fireflies are disappearing even more so than honey bees.

Sorry but I don't want to have to pay more for products just because some people are too afraid or lazy to switch browsers. They should have to pay for their own baggage, not me.

It's completely different in my mind. He asked for the money and the bank said, sure thing! If I asked you for $100 and you technically owed me $20 but you gave me the $100 anyway, is that stealing or are you just a dumbass? I say the latter. Another example is that if someone ships something to you, legally it's