
You better believe I’m looking forward to the next Jimquisition after this news.

Did everyone hear what Salamihawk said? She had s great idea and I’d like her to say it again.


Robot? It’s a human in a suit.

I see what you did there.

Misogynist! Get him!!!

I'm pretty sure they are all steel cans now, but I was thinking the same thing... But I can see the confusion, since some people still say tin-foil, when they are talking about aluminum foil.

“...his genitals came flying out of his shorts while trying to beat five seconds.”

This post was a gas to read!

Well, not unless you can find some people that are thinner and have shorter life spans to back it up. Otherwise you’d clearly be making it up.

They are already doing that, with the mobile bandwidth saver.

Well, it helps to know the proper form to make a “wank” motion without hurting your wrist.

100% agree. I used to rank them 5,4,6,1,please erase 2 +3 from history.

I hear new hires get a free pair of jackboots.

20% more. That’s great. You guys should stop whining then.

20% is huge, bro!!

Excuse me, corporate strongly prefers that you say “Lunch breaks have been extended by 20%”

Learned my lesson a few years ago. One great card is infinitely better than two good cards.

yeah, kent got blown the F up.