
SQL nerd humor is ... well ... for SQL nerds.

Nowadays, the Indie market produces better games at a fraction of the cost than AAA games shell out. Why do you act infuriated?

ITT: Pedants being pedantic.

Japanese Composer Nin T. Endo

“I was 16 years-old, and my friend had gotten his first ever CD-R drive (1x),” Bhatt told me. “It took something like 4 hours to copy a game or music CD...”

I heard that a female CS:GO player’s K:D ratio is typically 77% that of a male player’s...

Jesus. They could literally have anyone come on TV and say anything with this technology. Very dangerous.

PS4 + VR alone is $400 + $350 = $750, $100 more than the Rift.

Doubtful. The tracking solutions on both the Oculus and the Vive are way more advanced than what the PS Eye camera can offer.

The point about the other encryption apps is a good one. Sure, Apple could open up iOS to the authorities, but then they’d have access to clumps of encrypted data stored by other apps. Then they need to go to the developers of those apps, many of which do not reside within the US and therefore do not fall under US

Stupid, non-scientific idioms :P

After Rao called to let the airline know about the eclipse, Alaska bumped the flight back and adjusted its flight path so that Rao and other astronomers could watch from onboard.

Turning a tin can into a grater...

No it doesn’t. It looks like Quake. the fifth numbered game in the Street Fighter series.

Pff... “backup drive...” nigga please

My files are important. That’s why I’d simply restore the backup.

I’m sorry, but how is Win10 better than Win7 again?

This puts a smile on my face! :)