
The funny thing about this is that I was actually on a city bus that was rear ended by a car. It felt like the bus went over a speed bump. I had no idea that a collision had taken place until the driver told us. Any bus rider claiming injuries after such an incident is a liar.

So... you blur out the phone number, but leave the email address for all to see?

It’s old, yes, but the company-wide rick-roll got me laughing out loud!

Just a guess: maybe Chrome by default uses Google’s DNS servers, which themselves act as a man in the middle between the server’s hosted pages and the client’s http requests, and compresses it there before returning the data to you

Why choose only one? Why not an out-of-her-depth racist asshat?

pff. I’ve been to 4chan. This doesn’t phase me at all.

All the scientists told them they were daft for wanting to land a rocket on a barge in the ocean, but they built it all the same, just to show ‘em.

I figured this out 20 years ago while I was learning to drive in Wisconsin. It’s quite simple:

The problem I see with this price is that they’ve effectively priced VR out of the realm of relevance. Only the very few with lots of disposable income will buy a Rift, but since only very few people have one, only very few games will actually support the thing, resulting in even fewer people purchasing ones in the

I can see a lot of passersby getting their fingers caught in such a thing.

Except for, y’know, emissions and daily cost of fuel.

It’s not defense, just refuting an irrational argument. You wrote:

As opposed to any of these fine products?


...the deep inky blackness usually reserved for OLED TVs—Sony doesn’t use that display technology, opting instead for LED.

I would imagine that most of these services stream standard per SSL, preventing any sort of man-in-the-middle meddling anyways. Otherwise, it would be far too easy to rip, at full quality, anything you stream from Netflix simply by dumping the IP packets.

If it has radar/lidar that can detect objects and movement not only in front of the vehicle but to the sides and can communicate with other vehicles in the area who have a different perspective on the road situation, an autonomous vehicle would deal with that situation far better than a human ever could.
