
But if you’re running Windows 7 or later, you can now explore the internet with the browser while using twice its current 32 bits.

Yes, by all means, let’s use HP Software to track them, bog down their computers with unnecessary bloatware and throw up random popups every few seconds.

He’s also part of the generation that brought us space flight...

North Korea Says It Has a Hydrogen Bomb, Experts Call BS

The post has been updated to 10^8, was 108.

The post has been updated to 10^8, was 108.

Google wrote:

Yes, because our wars against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have completely vanquished those two foes, amirite? Seriously, were you asleep all last decade? Don’t you know by now that you can’t drop bombs on these sorts of problems and hope that they go away?

And Iraq! Don’t forget about the freedom we distributed in Iraq and how much good it’s done them!

It’s worth pointing out, first of all, that no one, not even Lord of Outer Darkness Dick Cheney, thinks this is a good plan.

Dat framerate doe

Then you must not have worked for them recently. Work conditions have improved drastically during your time away. The break is now 6 minutes long.

Well, I suppose that depends on how things looked pre-implant, no?

Fallout 4’s Trashcan Carla Is Basically Ronda Rousey

If I was the hacker and I could use an SQL Injection flaw to extract data from these DBs, I’d extract it and drop <database> the fuck out of all of those DBs because Vtech are a bunch of dumb assholes.

That’s an awfully high bar...

What do you expect? His name is Dick Chew...

Think of the poor gas stations! They barely make enough to cover their operating costs, let alone fancy new techmajiggers!

Ugh. Saying something is so ‘90s is so ‘90s.