
Learned my lesson a few years ago. One great card is infinitely better than two good cards.

Look! There’s a youngster that I don’t know! HIPSTER!

Yes, yes they do. Go back to the 90’s my friend.

I find that the interface itself fits within the lore just fine. Computers and such seem to have been a relatively new invention before the war in Fallout, so it’s obvious that not much experience or thought has gone into UI design.

It’s on the internet, so it must be true, right? Remember: Context and accurately cited sources are key to good information.

Had to use my VPN to watch from Germany, but:

Fuck you, GEMA. Seriously. You and daesh are the worst.

Also, let’s not forget that other cultures deal with tragedies and sadness in different ways. A “moment of silence” might be utterly meaningless to people from a culture who prefers loud displays of grief.

It’s very similar to activating cruise control except you have to use both hands.

Provided you managed to keep Kent ... alive

The translation comes quite a few seconds after the initial announcement. It crosses the boundary to annoying, in my opinion.

Magical Megaphone Instantly Translates Into Three Different Languages

I wish that for every time someone said Daesh a terrorist would wither up and die like the Wicked Witch of the West.

daesh members have small d’s;)

Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh Daesh

fuck Ronda Rousey

McDRAM, eh? I’m lovin’ it!

Pff! Tomatoes and paper don’t just grow on trees, y’know!