
It was probably that psycho piece of shit Chris Chan who assaulted that Gamestop Employee because of Sonic Boom.

"... the German guy sounds like he was falling down a K-hole real fast."

If you read the fine print, you'll see that the envelope has a small explosive charge, and GPS-based timing device, meaning that if it's left sitting for more than a day at it's destination it will trigger the charge and ensure customer satisfaction.

Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB

HDD Space: 65GB

There's a difference between a troll and a showoff.


Are you suggesting that C3PO was an Uncle Tom-droid?

"She's your sister! YOUR SISTER!!!"

Is this, like, a furry's dream come true?

Not full grown, but 19 is definitely no longer a kid, but an adult. But if they had written "19-Year-Old Man Creates Badass Fighting Anime," it probably wouldn't have attracted so many clicks.

If you make that threat, you have to act on it. The problem is when the child also recognizes that you have "toys" that you cherish, and threatens to break them, throw them away or toss them into the toilet. Fun times.

She started whining at first and when she got nothing out of me, suddenly (and very surprisingly!) there was silence on her end. All I could hear was the sound of spoon on the plate and a declaration a few minutes later that she was done. I rinsed and dried my hands, walked over to her, inspected her plate and gave

I got this last step from the book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting. I felt really hokey the first time I tried it—I mean, I was hopping mad and she was bawling at the top of her voice! But then, quite unexpectedly, my daughter visibly calmed down, and when I was setting her down

Most people would let loose a slew of obscenities, jam on the brake and maybe throw up a "friendly" hand gesture, but suppose you instead slowdown in an attempt to get the aggressive driver pass you or you change lanes and let the hurried driver pass.

I can hear the resounding "ain't nobody got time for that!" echoing in my head, but how would you react if your partner came running into your room quarter past seven, hollering for you to get up, tearing the blankets off of you, pulling you out of bed and shoving you into the bathroom? I know in my house there would

At home, I put being respectful, responsive and reciprocal into practice by setting my alarm clock 30 minutes before my daughter needs to start getting ready for school. Not so I can begin my day with peace and quiet, but so I can wake her gently.

hmm... I don't think Shia Labeouf is solely responsible for the Transfomers series...

"Shitmuffin" is not used nearly often enough. #RupertsFault

Murdoch, too.