
Yeah, but apparently Patricia doesn't want to let that whole "did he do it?" question get in the way of her demands for an apology.

"Innocent until proven guilty" apparently doesn't apply in cases of rape. An accused rapist must apologize profusely and immediately upon being accused of rape, regardless of the truth, I guess.

Exactly. How the fuck are you supposed to react to rape accusations? According to Patricia Hernandez, with an apology for said rape, apparently.

You should apologize to Patricia for defending Mr. Temkin. The woman said she was raped (and then later edited her Facebook post to remove his name). That's all the proof anyone needs to extract a sincere, groveling apology from Mr. Temkin, amirite?

You can read Temkin's post here—he describes his previous relationship with the woman who accuses him of rape, and he talks about his complex feelings around social media, to which some people have taken to protest him and Cards Against Humanity. He notes that he feels hurt but will try his best to continue to be a

A lot of the discussion I've seen about Temkin's post has been about whether he did or didn't rape his accuser. It's about who is telling the truth. That's important, of course, but that's not what this post is about. This post about how poorly Max Temkin responded to an accusation of rape, and about what I think his

There is of course no right way to respond to being accused of raping someone. I don't fault Temkin for not getting something like this completely right. Still, he handles it badly. He spends too much time trying to defend himself—which I understand as an impulse, given the gravity of the situation—and not enough time

Other people have written about their issues with the post, and you can read some of those critiques here. If you want the Cliffnotes version of it: Temkin doesn't completely apologize, and it's hard not to read the parts about the legalities here as a threat to the woman. That's not cool.

Putting all of that aside, I wish Temkin's post spent more time around the idea of consent—which he briefly touches upon in that paragraph I quoted. Because, let's face it, Temkin can't prove anything to us about an accusation that happened years ago. But he can use his platform to open up a dialogue about a subject

Now, there's a lot about this paragraph that is kind of gross. As our sister site Jezebel says, Temkin is basically "employing the tropes of rape culture in his own defense, even while wrapping himself in the language of social justice and positioning himself as a good feminist." Nevermind the non-apology (if it was

Like that time you started making out with someone and you weren't sure if you should take it further, but the other person was going along with it so maybe it's okay—and the next time you see each other everything is awkward and it dawns on you that maybe you read it all wrong. Or that time you found yourself doing

MiGs are more "creepy, abandoned eastern European amusement park."

FYI: Being blonde-haired with blue eyes does not mean German heritage. Most Germans I know (been living here for 12 years) are anything but blond-haired and blue-eyed. The whole blond-haired blue-eyed thing was only a part of Aryanism (and Nazism), not the whole, and definitely not at all representative of Germany or

Now that the Wii U is officially a viable contest, it's time to tear it apart in stop-motion to see what sort of fun trivia makes it tick.

...bull runner is wanted because of new regulations, passed this year by the city of Pamplona, to clamp down on dangerous behavior at the festival.

I love that Titz and Wankum, Germany, are so close to each other :D

I wonder if they're putting in 5W or 10W ports...

These fish can't possibly survive that...

Fixed that for ya.