
It's an actual time-lapse video taken over four years by the Hubble—and scientists don't know its origin yet.

It may sound like a small thing now, but the implications of the research huge.

Art is craftsmanship at it's highest level. How are we to determine what is art and what is not when we cannot see the craftsmanship behind it all? Your initial comment makes absolutely no sense. You're gonna notice these things if you look for them. If you are looking for cinematography, you're going to see

I didn't know who that was, but I googled him. Just his face alone screams Billy Dee Williams.

Star Wars: Battlefront will be a disappointment. The graphics won't be up to snuff, it will run like ass on even the most powerful machine and people who buy the game early will not be able to play consistently for weeks, as the online services will be unstable or outright down most of the time.

I have potatoes that are better than Samsung cameras.

"Real Darkness," is that the latest buzzword?

If you notice the instruments, the musician has failed.

This scene had me literally sitting on the edge of my seat.

This is gonna be the video that everyone references next year when they complain about the new Star Wars game's visuals being "dumbed down for consoles."

Are you suggesting that the F22 and F35 are in the pipe, five-by-five?

See you at the party, Richter!

This super hornet is prettier

Meh. Wake me up when there's real footage.


Look how hard she's relaxing!

Goat: The underrated white meat!