
36 simultaneous voice circuits, most of which was taken up with "It's night over there? It's daytime over here!"

Also considering that the ridiculously high-caliber rounds were actually exiting the body after making baseball-sized entry holes :P

It would be more useful if you taught them to use the Linux CLI.

Those are some big fuckin' bodyguards.

The commenter is under the misinformed assumption that the artist wanted to make the statement that Apple was somehow more stable and reliable.

That's what she said!

It is nuts. The funny thing is, though, is that getting to the moon was comparatively easy. Getting all that gear into orbit, now THAT was the hard part.

Really? Looked like a muffler to me. And the red brake lights would seem to indicate that at least some pressure was applied to the brakes.

NASA and the University of Zurich have announced the discovery of what are believed to be the darkest spots in the galaxy outside of a black hole's event horizon.

Morgan Freeman with the voice of a child.

It's like Doom 3, only awesome.

BJ and his lady friend makin' out. I liked this scene because, unlike almost every other kissing scene in video game history, it looked like two people kissing, not two mailboxes clattering together.

Blue Bloods is horrible with this. "Oh look, the suspect's half a block away! STOP, POLICE!"

Does someone want to tell him that GPS is receive-only and can't send?

indeed :D

Water: Is there any activity it can't disperse and calm?

I volunteer to play the starring role: The Lensflare

Narrated by this guy:

No, what they do in movies is, they approach the suspect while wearing plain clothes, and as soon as they see him, say, 100 feet away, they yell out his name and yell "STOP, POLICE!" and then run after him when he takes off, instead of, you know, walking up to him and surrounding him, then announcing that he was under

There was one piece of security camera footage that was especially interesting to watch: the camera was trained on a wide angle shot of something like an open city square and an intersection in Chelyabinsk . You could see pedestrians walking and traffic moving along. Then, suddenly, the sky explodes with the light of