
I guess the whole "I'm part of Al Qaida" bit shouldn't be considered when determining whether or not these were threats or plans for a romantic getaway.

Fixed that for you.

Pff... everybody knows an IPv5 Address when they see it.

And all without creating so much eat as to scorch whoever's using it.

Who the fuck named their kid "Raiden?"

2014: The Year of the Goat

Goats of Thrones?

Depends on whether or not the old fart in front of you or behind you knows how to properly drive into a car wash or not.

Or if he was an errand boy, send by grocery clerks to collect a bill.

Empire wasn't even directed by Lucas, either. Maybe that's why it was so awesome?

Mazel Tov!

It did seem like Depp's performance was way over the top and I, too, was somewhat worried that it would be stupid, but I found Pirates of the Caribbean to be very satisfying and entertaining, and Depp's portrayal of Jack Sparrow was actually quite brilliant.

Dick Bush


7/8, I didn't know that you could ask Siri about flights. The rest were old news.

Left leg: What are your prime directives?

Somebody doesn't understand how business works. Would it be wise for Comcast to say "Our merger with TWC is going to be horrible for the consumer?" No. No it wouldn't.

I would love to see it in person. Even from the slightly overexposed image, it still looks like it would be amazing to look at!

revenge him?

It almost looks as if there are clouds in the sky here...