
Vaporize your children with our new rearview mirror laser beam technology!

Just wait until the "nth-person" wars begin, starting with "fifth-person" games, in which you influence the decisions of the person trying to influence the environment to get the main character to perform certain tasks or explore his world.

People fear change.


But they can just pay off that debt with Bitcoins... oh wait...

Yeah, nothing important is ever done or said via email, so why bother?

Mr. President, we cannot allow a labyrinth-roaming Minotaur gap!


Japan is turning into Silent Hill

Even less than usual, is that what you're getting at?

As you might guess from the fact that humans have been ingesting these for ages, at low levels, it seems methanol has no long term consequences.

But... the iPhone came out in 2007, not 2005...

Why to people take the shit that comes out of Peter Molyneux's mouth seriously? Every single thing he's been involved with since Black & White has been nothing but lies and overhyped marketing.

I agree. To me, it's pretty obvious that it's not CG.

gaining speed from being thrown.

I always thought wars should be no-holds-barred cagematch fights between world leaders. Hello President Randy Savage.

Subtle snatches are ok but I prefer them to be in my face.

I'm so glad I didn't buy any bitcoins. What a scam.

...consider selling healthy businesses such as the Xbox game console if he determined they weren't critical to the company's strategy.

Now all you need to do is track down a copy of the game itself, since it's not really available...anywhere.