
I don't care if it's 4K at 120 FPS, watching console players play FPS games is fucking painful.

Hurry! Pre-Order now, play in 4 weeks when they finally get all the server issues straightened out and work out the game-breaking client bugs!

No data connectivity to the servers that handle the dictation function... i.e., everbody's using their new iPhones to ask Siri what she's wearing :)

Just because it's a large margin doesn't make it not a margin :)

My first computer was an IBM XT Clone with an 8086 processor in the early 80's. It had DOS and no GUI. I knew quite a few families with computers at home and the first GUI I ever saw was in the 90's with Windows 3.0.

"Indeed, Western Digital can now squeeze in five where previously it could only manage seven..." pilot was able to eject...

No data connectivity.

Except for people who lack the fine motor control required to type information into a phone and rely on dictation or voice control, in which case Siri, Google, etc.. are incredibly useful tools.

When Siri works, it works well for me. Dictation is the killer app for me, as it makes walking and texting a breeze.

Dude, why the fuck not? Onions are awesome! Matter of fact, I'mma go make some Lasanga with onions right now!

Yeah, I can't believe Portal 2 didn't get mentioned under JK Simmons.

29 million, yet they could have sold a shitton more had they made a PC version.

I'm gonna go ahead and jump on the "LOL LERN2DOMATH" bandwagon here.

Your eyes, maybe.

Duh, it's clearly 1079i upscaled to 1080p!

The real question here is: How long until Sony releases an "update" for the PS3 that just so happens to remove DLNA from that system, too?

No DLNA, no sale. Fuck you, Sony!

Though I think with it's poor calibration and narrow color gamut, the display on the Nexus 10 fails pretty hard. They seemed to have followed Nokia's motto of "moar pixels nao" without giving thought about anything else that makes a display good.

No, the scariest part here is that Google is shown not using any form of back-end encryption at all, even between data centers.