
I never got the impression from any of their media releases that vr was ever going to work on this. I'll give you the the "those that don't work with proton" part of that though.

You could also play the Wii Virtual Console games on the Wii U through the Wii app, though, so if you didn’t want to pay extra, it was still available in the form you bought it. I don’t know, the Wii U era seemed to be Nintendo at their most player-friendly. Switch seems to be the opposite of that. I guess that’s

So put in many anti toggles, ‘Are you sure you want to disable this?, disabling it means you will spend a lot longer and might have a bad time.”
“Okay, maybe your just tapping yes because you like yes. If you want it disabled, tap No.”
“You’ve selected Yes, Yes, No, No, is this correct?”
“Just testing you,

But if it starts on, what are the odds of the kid toggling it off, hating that, and not knowing they can toggle it back on?
Like you presume the kid finds the option and turns it off, then forgets it exists?

Kind of the opposite. Having it as a toggle would make it more fun for a wider amount of people. 

Yes, heaven forbid players want a perfectly fine and usable feature from previous games to continue to be perfectly fine and usable, rather than being taken away for arbitrary reasons.

So... what’s the issue? Why is making it a toggle, which allows the player extra choice in how they play, which is what the Pokémon series has emphasized virtually ITS ENTIRE EXISTENCE, a bad thing? Why is constantly holding the players’ hand throughout the entire adventure a great thing that should be celebrated?

This isn’t a new complaint. This goes back to PLG and was brought up again in SS. I think it’s VERY reasonable for there to be an option to turn it off for hardcore fans.

No, no it’s not. It will sell better than the kart racing games, and it may occupy a similar position that Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid currently occupies, but there is no way you can consider a game a “Smash killer” if it is only hyped by the hardcore competitive community. Smash Ultimate didn’t sell 30 million

You don’t have to interrogate me for the reason: the reason is I don’t give two damns about playing Sony’s blockbuster franchises - I’m here for the quirky, odd, creative, and unusual titles that Sony used to be so great at but suddenly feel there’s no longer a market for. This trend of pushing consoles with the

The name “eFootball” reminds sounds me of all those knockoff smart devices that show up in the discount bins at tj maxx and Marshalls.

I always held the left edge and reached my thumb over the middle stick. Then I used my right middle finger to hit the Z button. No problems with that setup. 
Where nostalgia is the real problem is with that Genesis controller. Stop giving us the 3 button version for the love of God. How Japan got the 6-button for the

even the GameCube’s pad, which carried over some of the N64's quirks (like the octagonal guide for the stick housing and an off-kilter button layout), was a vastly superior way to play everything from Smash to Zelda.

I do not understand how someone could get physical pain playing an N64 controller. Like, maybe if their hands were too big and rubbed up against the side prongs, but otherwise I dunno. Did you try and grab the analog stick while gripping the left prong? If so, why? There’s no trigger button on the left prong, only the

He did read. But why, in this case write an article to explain to people it won’t perform as a 4k computer to begin with. Nobody with at least some knowledge about pc gaming expect a steam deck to even perform smoothly at 1080p to begin with. 

That was the main reason I played that game, and then they figured out that people would pay for those games on Wii, Wii U, and 3DS virtual consoles, on the NES Classic, and then pay for Switch Online.

Don’t like TKL, prefer ergonomics, and want macro keys. Definitely not up my alley. Nonetheless, good for you if you’re into this kind of thing. Personally, I don’t mind clicky blues, so I can get boards as is (though the move away from macro keys has annoyed me).

A name like that and this doesn’t include 3D Land and 3D World??


The weight changed, the button placement changed, the display options (tv-output!) changed, if he’s gonna differentiate iterations of one flavor of the GBA, then another flavor of the PSP is completely worth tossing either the Lynx or the Turbo.

The first PS3s had PS2 backwards compatibility. However all models of PS3 are compatible with PS1 games.